Resource Library

Statistical Topic

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  • This 6 minute 39 second video can be used to teach the difference between correlation and causation. For example, that a relationship between X and Y might be explained by X causing Y, Y causing X, or a third factor that drives them both. The video is episode #109 (Nov 10, 2009) in the Psych Files podcast series produced and hosted by Michael A. Britt, Ph.D. at Video is free to use in the classroom or on course websites under a non-commercial ShareAlike creative commons license.

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  • This applet demonstrates the concept of power. Users select the hypothesized mean, the alternative mean, the sample size, and the number of samples. The applet shows the hypothesized histogram and the alternative histogram. Users then select either the level of significance and set alpha or the rejection region and set the test statistic. The applet then shows the p-value (in red) and power (in green). User can also determine the direction of the test by clicking the inequality sign.

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  • This page of Statistical Java describes 11 different probability distributions including the Binomial, Poisson, Negative Binomial, Geometric, T, Chi-squared, Gamma, Weibull, Log-Normal, Beta, and F. Each distribution has its own applet in which users can manipulate the parameters to see how the distribution changes. The parameters are described on the main page as well as situations that would use each distribution. The equations of the distributions are not given. To select between the different applets you can click on Statistical Theory, Probability Distributions and then the Main Page. At the bottom of this page you can make your applet selection. This page was formerly located at

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  • (Uses JAVA)  Some basic statistical analysis tools that allow the user to input their own data or use the pre-existing data and perform the desired test (e.g ANOVA, Descriptive, t-test, chi-square, correlation and regression).

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  • This resource defines and explains standard deviation and the normal distribution.

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  • A computational tool that runs the one-way ANOVA by the user inputing individual data or by copying and pasting a delimitted data set.

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  • This page gives a description of correlation, Pearson's r, Spearman's rho. There are some scatterplots illustrating the different values of r.

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  • A collection of several applets related to probability.

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  • This resource provides two sets of detailed notes on the Bernoulli and Binomial distributions. Additional readings, examples, exercises, and links to applets illustrating the respective distributions are also given.

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  • The sixth chapter of an online Introduction to Biostatistics course. Three sets of lecture notes are provided (only the first one works). Additionally, links for additional reading and exercises with solutions are provided.

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