Resource Library

Statistical Topic

Advanced Search | Displaying 491 - 500 of 670
  • This webpage provides instructions for teaching p-values and standard distributions using Sampling SIM software. It includes information regarding prerequisite knowledge, common misconceptions, and objectives, as well as links to an activity and a pre/post-test.
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  • This webpage provides instructions for teaching confidence intervals using Sampling SIM software. It includes information regarding prerequisite knowledge, common misconceptions, and objectives, as well as links to an activity and a pre/post-test.
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  • Stattucino is a free Java-based system for data analysis. This service is available as a Java applet or application. Some statistics are provided by a web-based interface as servlets. The applet and the application have a spreadsheet type interface for entering data, whereas the servlets use a html form for entering data. The output produced by the servlets, the applet and the application are in html.
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  • Tips for helping students to take more effective notes during lecture.
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  • This section of ARTIST contains suggestions for implementing student journals, writing assignments, and minute papers in statistics classes. Links to general references for writing assessments are included.
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  • DataCounts! is an interactive website designed to help integrate social statistics into the classroom setting. Each collection contains a wide variety of datasets that can be viewed online with WebCHIP. DataCounts! also houses a collection of teaching modules that have been created by teachers across the country to integrate social science data into their classes.
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  • This site lists a set of case studies that cover regression topics, random number calculations of pi, as well as limit theorems. On the individual case study pages are the descriptions and/or instructions.
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  • This page is a guide to writing and using statistics in the field of science. It is aimed at biology students. It contains information on formatting and the use of tables as well as links to pages about frequency analysis, t-tests, and regression.
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  • This applet shows balls falling through a grid of posts to show the central limit theorem in action.
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  • This chapter of the NIST Engineering Statistics handbook presents information on the statistical modeling of an engineering process. It contains an introduction, discussion of the assumptions, information about data collection and analysis, a discussion of what can be concluded from different process models, and case studies.
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