Plot the theoretical p-value distribution and power curve for an independent t-test based on the effect size, sample size, and alpha.
Plot the theoretical p-value distribution and power curve for an independent t-test based on the effect size, sample size, and alpha.
Explore the Vovk-Sellke Maximum p-Ratio, a measure that indicates the maximum diagnosticity of a given p-value. Choose your own p-value to find out how diagnostic it is for your research!
OStats is a simple tool for data visualisation and statistical analysis, particularly aimed at helping students learn statistics.
The Journal of Statistics Education provides a collection of Java applets and excel spreadsheets (and the articles associated with them) from as early as 1998 on this webpage.
StatCrunch is a web-based package that does a complete range of statistical calculations. Formerly known as WebStat, it provides statistical calculation functions that would be done in most introductory statistics courses, including, but not limited to, creating histograms, pie charts, and boxplots; calculating summary statistics and confidence intervals; and performing hypothesis tests. It allows data to be entered in a spreadsheet style data window or opened from a file. StatCrunch does require a subscription for students and professionals ($13 for 6 months and $23 for 12 months).
StatCrunchThis allows you to pull data sets contained on many web pages in various forms directly into StatCrunch for analysis.
This web-based package does a very complete range of statistical calculations designed to be user friendly. Formerly known as WebStat, it provides statistical calculation functions that would be done in most introductory statistics courses. Notable examples include being able to create histograms, pie charts and boxplots, calculation of summary statistics and confidence intervals, and performing hypothesis tests. It allows data to be entered in a spreadsheet style data window or opened from a file. Cost for students and professionals is $13 for 6 months and $23 for 12 months (instructors have complimentary access), and it does require a login. Key Word: Calculator.
Stat Crunch's Available Features:
This is an extensive collection (and a continuously expanding collection) of applets on topics that include probability, descriptive statistics, sampling distributions, Monte Carlo simulation, Buffon's coin problem, chi-square, p-values, correlation, and more. There is even a random number generator that is part of the collection.
This applet displays various distributions and allows the user to experiment with the parameters to see the effects on the curve.
This applet simulates rolling dice to illustrate the central limit theorem. The user can choose between 1, 2, 6, or 9 dice to roll 1, 5, 20, or 100 times. The distribution is graphically displayed. This applet needs to be resized for optimal viewing.
This applet shades the graph and computes the probability of X, when X is between two parameters x1 and x2. The user inputs the mean, standard deviation, x1 and x2. This applet should be resized for optimal viewing.