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Statistical Topic

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  • This site provides the contents of the online book "The Assessment Challenge in Statistics Education".
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  • The Decision Bonsai are a hybrid of concept maps and decision trees. They were originally developed to give introductory statistics students a map to inference procedures but have evolved to be used for other topics. The tree is 'grown' during the semester so that students build a picture of the relationships in their mind. Recent work is moving toward the development of more complete concept maps for introductory statistics, statistical quality methods and probability and stochastic processes courses. These Decision Bonsai would be then pointed to at appropriate points in the concept maps.
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  • This page provides survey data on the sexual activity of male and female subjects and discusses choosing appropriate statistics to describe the data as well as reporting bias. It also links to a Chance article about the same study.
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  • This webpage provides instructions for teaching confidence intervals using Sampling SIM software. It includes information regarding prerequisite knowledge, common misconceptions, and objectives, as well as links to an activity and a pre/post-test.
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  • This webpage includes teaching tips for forming groups and utilizing groups for projects.
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  • This webpage shows a grading rubric for group projects.
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  • This 21 page pdf file includes teaching tips for using projects when teaching statistics such as group formation and grading rubrics. This site provides sample projects on data and probability summaries, hypothesis testing and simple linear regression.
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  • This introductory tutorial for SPSS 10.1 and 11.0 for Windows explains how to enter and summarize data and groups of data and to generate graphs.
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  • This activity guides students through the process of checking the validity of data, performing summary analysis, constructing box plots, and determining whether significant differences exist. The data comes from a study of mineral levels in older adults and is available in Minitab, Excel, SAS, and text formats.
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  • This online textbook provides information on the statistical analysis of nutritional data. Techniques covered include data cleaning, descriptive statistics, histograms, graphics, scatterplots, outlier identification, regression and correlation, confounding, and interactions. Each chapter includes exercises with real data and self-tests to be used with SPSS.
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