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Statistical Topic

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  • This reference resource explores the use of clickers, or personal response systems, in the classroom. Main points of discussion include what clickers are, who is using them, what makes them unique, why they are considered significicant, the downsides, and teaching and learning implications.
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  • This website contains more real analysis, general topology and measure theory than actual probability. It is more about the foundations of probability theory, than probability itself. In particular, it is a very suitable resource for anyone wishing to study the Lebesgue integral. These tutorials are designed as a set of simple exercises, leading gradually to the establishment of deeper results. Proved Theorems, as well as clear Definitions are spelt out for future reference. These tutorials do not contain any formal proof: instead, they will offer you the means of proving everything yourself. However, for those who need more help, Solutions to exercises are provided, and can be downloaded.
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  • This site contains lessons which include steps, examples, and a calculator, on standard deviation, Pearson's r, t-test, one-way ANOVA, and Tukey's Post Hoc Test.
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  • This pdf file gives definitions for average, standard deviation, and relative standard deviation, and works through a short problem as an example.
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  • A useful site for instructors to learn how to create and incorporate guided notes into their classroom.
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  • This site links to the article "Use of R as a Toolbox for Mathematical Statistics Exploration," to activities demonstrating the use of R programming language, and to the site where users can download R. Activities cover the following topics: calculation of a running variance, maximization of a non-linear function, resampling of a statistic, simple Bayesian modeling, sampling from multivariate normal, and estimation of power.
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  • This website provides lesson plans, activities, a problem bank, and links to references that meet NCTM standards for probability.
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  • The goal of this lesson is to introduce the concepts of mean, median and mode and to develop understanding and familiarity with these ideas. The activity lets students explore mean and median in an efficient way and the discussion helps them to formalize their knowledge of measures of center.
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  • This one-page document gives some helpful tips about the first day of class. It gives short advice on creating a first impression, establishing rapport, clarifying expectations, collecting information and building excitement.
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  • This one-page document gives advice on how to construct and give exams. It focuses on making exams a positive experience for both instructors and students. It is written by Rich Felder an expert in Engineering education.
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