Resource Library

Statistical Topic

Advanced Search | Displaying 51 - 60 of 176
  • This collection of datasets from Harvard University covers many ecological topics from insects to hurricanes. Each dataset's description includes the name of the investigator, dates of collection, location, abstract, and method of collection. The metadata file for each dataset provides descriptions of the variables. Please read the terms of agreement before use.
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  • This page contains applets and data files that supplement the text "Investigating Statistical Concepts, Applications, And Methods." The applets and files are organized according to chapter; each data file is available in Minitab or text format.
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  • The datasets in this collection are in text format, but are also compatible with Arc software from "Regression Graphics." Each set has a title, description, and data table. The software is available in the relation link below.
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  • This collection of datasets covers many application areas, but are all for time series analysis. The data are in text format.
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  • This collection of datasets was compiled by the Biostatistics Department at Vanderbilt University. They come in R, S, Excel, and ASCII formats. Each also has a description in html format.
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  • This dataset comes from a study of 16 healthy subjects randomly assigned to one of two treatment sequences in a two period crossover design. Treatments were from two different drug companies. Questions from this study refer to the similarities of the two treatments. A text file version of the data is found in the relation link.
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  • This dataset comes from a study of 100 female mice treated with one of 3 doses of a drug, and then impregnated by untreated males. The fetuses were examined for skeletal malformations. Questions from this study refer to the relationship between affected fetuses and dosage. A text file version of the data is found in the relation link.
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  • This dataset comes from a study of 100 mice assigned randomly to one of five treatment groups of graded dosages of a drug. They were also given an injection of another drug, and sleeping times were recorded for each mouse. Questions from this study refer to the relationship between sleeping times and dosage. A text file version of the data is found in the relation link.
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  • This dataset comes from a study of rodents treated with one of 5 or 6 doses of a drug. The proportion of animals that died were recorded. Questions from this study refer to estimating the lethal dosage. A text file version of the data is found in the relation link.
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  • This dataset comes from a study of 10 mice treated with one of 3 doses of a drug. Bone marrow cells were examined and the number of sister chromatid exchanges was recorded for each mouse. Questions from this study refer to the relationship between dosage and chromatid exchange. A text file version of the data is found in the relation link.
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