Resource Library

Statistical Topic

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  • This tutorial on the Mann-Whitney test includes its definition, assumptions, characteristics, and hypotheses as well as procedures for graphical comparisons. An example using output from the WINKS software is given, but those without the software can still use the tutorial. An exercise is given at the end that can be done with any statistical software package.
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  • This tutorial explains the theory and use of the Sign Test and demonstrates it with an example on intervention methods. Data is given as well as SPSS and Minitab code.
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  • This tutorial explains the theory and use of two-way ANOVA and demonstrates it with an example on final exam scores. Data is given as well as SPSS and Minitab code.
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  • This tutorial explains the theory and use of the Mann-Whitney test and demonstrates it with an example on traditional lecture versus computer-based teaching. Data is given as well as SPSS and Minitab code.
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  • This table shows the critical values values of the Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney statistics (Us) for various sample sizes (N1 and N2) and p-values (p).
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  • This is the homepage for the Reserve Bank of Australia. Browse data by Alphabetical Index of Statistics, Statistics by Frequency of Publication, or Bulletin Statistical Tables.
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  • This webpage presents three new datasets to accompany the book "A Casebook for a First Course in Statistics and Data Analysis" by Chatterjee, Handcock and Simonoff. The datasets address salaries of major league baseball players, state aid to Nassau County public schools, and the success of teams in the National Hockey League, 1995-1996. The datasets are available in Minitab, Text, and Statistix 4 format.
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  • These datasets come from the book "STAT LABS: Mathematical Statistics Through Applications." Below the link for each dataset are descriptions of the variables for that dataset. Datasets are in text format and address topics such as maternal smoking and infant health, video games, radon, cytomegalovirus DNA, HIV, crab molting, voting, snow gauge calibration, down syndrome, and tape drive quality.
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  • This collection of datasets addresses social science issues and is housed at the University of Wisconsin. Free registration is required to access the datasets.
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  • This page from the Bureau of Labor Statistics provides data and statistics on Inflation & Consumer Spending, Wages, Earnings, & Benefits, Productivity, Safety & Health, International Labor, Occupations, and Demographics. Data is in Excel, html, or pdf format.
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