Resource Library

Statistical Topic

Advanced Search | Displaying 151 - 160 of 176
  • In this activity, students will perform a one sample t-test to see if the pH level of rain collected by the EPA is less than the pH standard for acid rain (5.6). Questions about the exercise and links to a t-test applet and TI-83 instructions are given. The data exist in Excel, TI-83, and text formats.
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  • In this activity, students will perform a two-way ANOVA on a dataset containing rainfall amounts for seeded and unseeded clouds in each of the 4 seasons. Questions about the exercise are given as well as a link to Excel instructions. The data exist in Excel and text formats.
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  • In this activity, students will calculate the correlation and generate a scatterplot of the number of passengers flying and the number of performed departures from 135 airports in the US. Questions about the exercise and links to Excel and TI-83 instructions are given. The data exist in Excel, TI-83, and text formats.
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  • The applets in this section allow users to see how probabilities and quantiles are determined from a Normal distribution. For calculating probabilities, set the mean, variance, and limits; for calculating quantiles, set the mean, variance, and probability. Users can choose from three different probability expressions. Variance is restricted to numbers between 0.1 and 10, inclusive. To select between the different applets you can click on Statistical Theory, Normal Distribution and then the Main Page. At the bottom of this page you can make your applet selection. This page was formerly located at
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  • This module contains discussions on t-test, ANOVA, correlation, two-way factorial ANOVA, regression, chi-squared, and distributions and provides links to a variety of activities relevant to the discussions.
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  • The Journal of Statistics Education has published this collection of datasets and related articles describing their use, submitted by faculty members from numerous institutions. Data is in .dat format.
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  • In this activity, students will calculate the mean, median, and mode of the salaries for the Angels and the Orioles baseball players. Questions about the exercise and links to Excel and TI-83 instructions. The data exists in Excel, TI-83, and text formats.
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  • In this activity, students will perform a t-test to see if fecal coliform counts collected from Blackwater Creek in Lynchburg, Virginia differ before and after rain showers. Questions about the exercise and links to Excel and TI-83 instructions are given. The data exist in Excel, TI-83, and text formats.
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  • This free online video program "shows how to improve the accuracy of a survey by using stratified random sampling and how to avoid sampling errors such as bias. While surveys are becoming increasingly important tools in shaping public policy, a 1936 Gallup poll provides a striking illustration of the perils of undercoverage."
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  • In this free online video program, "students will learn the distinction between deterministic phenomena and random sampling. This program introduces the concepts of sample space, events, and outcomes, and demonstrates how to use them to create a probability model. A discussion of statistician Persi Diaconis's work with probability theory covers many of the central ideas about randomness and probability."
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