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Statistical Topic

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  • As the page opens, you will be prompted to enter the sizes of your several samples. If you are starting out with raw (unranked) data, the necessary rank- ordering will be performed automatically.

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  • As the page opens, you will be prompted to enter the sizes of your several samples. If you are starting out with raw (unranked) data, the necessary rank- ordering will be performed automatically.

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  • In the Latin Square computational pages on this site, the third IV, with levels designated as A, B, C, etc., is listed as the "treatment" variable. The analysis of variance within an orthogonal Latin Square results in three F-ratios: one for the row variable, one for the column variable, and one for the third IV whose j levels are distributed orthogonally among the cells of the rows x columns matrix.

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  • In the Latin Square computational pages on this site, the third IV, with levels designated as A, B, C, etc., is listed as the "treatment" variable. The analysis of variance within an orthogonal Latin Square results in three F-ratios: one for the row variable, one for the column variable, and one for the third IV whose j levels are distributed orthogonally among the cells of the rows x columns matrix.

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  • This page has two calculators. One will cacluate a simple logistic regression, while the other calculates the predicted probability and odds ratio. There is also a brief tutorial covering logistic regression using an example involving infant gestational age and breast feeding. Please note, however, that the logistic regression accomplished by this page is based on a simple, plain-vanilla empirical regression.

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  • This page will calculate the intercorrelations (r and r2) for up to five variables, designated as A, B, C, D, and E.

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  • This page will calculate the intercorrelations (r) for any number of variables (V1, V2, V3, etc.) and for any number of observations per variable.

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  • The Student Dust Counter is an instrument aboard the NASA New Horizons mission to Pluto, launched in 2006. As it travels to Pluto and beyond, SDC will provide information on the dust that strikes the spacecraft during its 14-year journey across the solar system. These observations will advance our understanding of the origin and evolution of our own solar system, as well as help scientists study planet formation in dust disks around other stars.

    In this lesson, students explore the SDC data interface to establish any trends in the dust distribution in the solar system. Students record the number of dust particles, "hits," recorded by the instrument and the average mass of the particles in a given region.

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  • The Student Dust Counter is an instrument aboard the NASA New Horizons mission to Pluto, launched in 2006. As it travels to Pluto and beyond, SDC will provide information on the dust that strikes the spacecraft during its 14-year journey across the solar system. These observations will advance human understanding of the origin and evolution of our own solar system, as well as help scientists study planet formation in dust disks around other stars. 

    In this lesson, students learn the concepts of averages, standard deviation from the mean, and error analysis. Students explore the concept of standard deviation from the mean before using the Student Dust Counter data to determine the issues associated with taking data, including error and noise. Questions are deliberately open-ended to encourage exploration.

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  •  The Integrated Medical Model (IMM) is a Monte Carlo simulation-based tool designed to quantify the probability of the medical risks and potential consequences that astronauts could experience during a mission. In this activity, students will use Monte Carlo methods with a TI-Nspire™ to simulate and predict probabilities of CO2 headaches aboard the ISS. 

    NASA's Math and Science @ Work project provides challenging supplemental problems for students in advanced science, technology, engineering and mathematics, or STEM classes including Physics, Calculus, Biology, Chemistry and Statistics, along with problems for advanced courses in U.S. History and Human Geography.

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