This applet allows the user to enter data, then returns the values of empirical cumulative distribution function by sorting the data and reporting the height of the curve at each point. It does not show the graph.
This applet allows the user to enter data, then returns the values of empirical cumulative distribution function by sorting the data and reporting the height of the curve at each point. It does not show the graph.
This applet plots the survival function (1-F(t)) of the exponential distribution against the empirical survival function. The empirical survival function is one minus the empirical distribution function.
This site is a collection of Web-enabled scientific services & applications including Equation Plotter Software, Scientific Forecasting Software, Multiple Regression Software, Descriptive Statistics Software, Statistical Hypothesis Testing Software, Sample Size Software, and XML-RPC PHP client.
This site is the Statistical Consulting Service Web Resources page for York University. It includes lists of statistical and statistical graphics resources, SAS information guides, online statistical computing applets, and a bibliography of articles for the statistics user.
This webpage provides an extensive list of links to free statistical calculators and statistical software packages. Descriptions are provided for some of the resources.
R is an integrated suite of software facilities for data manipulation, calculation and graphical display. R is a free software environment and language for statistical computing and graphics. R provides a wide variety of statistical (linear and nonlinear modeling, classical statistical tests, time-series analysis, classification, clustering, ...) and graphical techniques, and is highly extensible.
ViSta constructs very-high-interaction, dynamic graphics that show you multiple views of your data simultaneously. The graphics are designed to augment your visual intuition so that you can better understand your data.
Statistical modeling software designed for the Macintosh. Performs several operations and gives graphical output.
This collection of calculators allows users to perform a number of statistical applications. Each provides background on the procedure and an example. Users can compute Descriptive Statistics and perform t-tests, Chi-square tests, Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests, Fisher's Exact Test, contingency tables, ANOVA, and regression.
This page calculates either sample size or power for a one sample binomial problem. Users choose between a one-sided and two-sided test and specify the null and alternative hypothesized proportions. The calculator also gives the critical value.