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Statistical Topic

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  • This short article discusses the difference between "important" and "statistically significant." The data used come from a study comparing male faculty salaries to female faculty salaries.
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  • This page was written as instructions for a SAS lab assignment, but the example can be used with other programs. The study compares three treatments for rape victims against each other and a control group to see which treatment is most effective at reducing Post Traumatic Stress Disorder symptoms.
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  • This correlation and regression example compares performance on reading comprehension questions to performace on the SAT. It also compares those who read the passage referred to by the questions to those who did not. Exercise questions and answers are also provided.
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  • This example is designed to test whether religiosity is correlated with optimism. The page describes the study, has a link to the data set, and describes the method of analysis. Analysis includes ANOVA and regression.
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  • This applet allows you to see the effect of various transformations on the relationship between two variables. The site lets you input your own data or allows you to choose from one of the given sets. The site also gives you instructions and excercises.
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  • Residual plots and other diagnostics are important to deciding whether or not linear regression is appropriate for a set of data. Many students might believe that if the correlation coefficient is strong enough, these diagnostic checks are not important. The data set included in this activity was created to lure students into a situation that looks on the surface to be appropriate for the use of linear regression but is instead based (loosely) on a quadratic function. Key words: regression, residuals
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  • This text document is a detailed index of the Against All Odds video series. This detailed index allows instructors to quickly find stories that can be used in the classroom. The author also includes the his ratings of which video segments are useful in the classroom. The actual videos are viewable online and are also indexed in CAUSEweb.
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  • This site is a collection of data that contains the results of the Olympic track and field events. It contains the times not only of the winners, but of all the contestants.
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  • Lisp-Stat is an extensible statistical computing environment for data analysis, statistical instruction and research, with an emphasis on providing a framework for exploring the use of dynamic graphical methods. The object-oriented programming system is also used as the basis for statistical model representations, such as linear and nonlinear regression models and generalized linear models. Many aspects of the system design were motivated by the S language.
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  • MacAnova is a free, noncommercial, interactive statistical analysis program for Windows 95/98/NT, Windows 3.1 with Win32s, Macintosh and Unix. MacAnova has many capabilities but its strengths are analysis of variance and related models, matrix algebra, time series analysis (time and frequency domain), and (to a lesser extent) uni-variate and multi-variate exploratory statistics.
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