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Statistical Topic

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  • This online, interactive lesson on probability spaces provides examples, exercises, and applets that cover conditional probability, independence, and several modes of convergence that are appropriate for random variables. This section also covers probability space, the paradigm of a random experiment and its mathematical model as well as sample spaces, events, random variables, and probability measures.

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  • This dataset comes from a study on 200 rats (100 of each gender) which were given one of 5 treatments, and then allowed to mate. At delivery, information on the pups was collected, and a sample of 8 pups (4 of each gender) was chosen from each litter. Body weights for these pups were recorded once a week for three weeks. Questions this study focused on refer to the safety of the treatments. A text file version of the data is found in the relation link.
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  • This module discusses the probability of an event and relative frequency. The applet shows how empirical probability converges to theoretical probability as the sample size increases. The follow-up example includes an applet that simulates drawing differently colored balls from an urn.
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  • This applet demonstrates that even a "small" effect can be important under some circumstances. Applicants from two groups apply for a job. The user manipulates the mean and the cut-off score in order to see the effects the small changes has on the number of people hired in each group. The effects on the proportion of hired applicants from each group are displayed.(Requires a browser that supports Java).
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  • In this free online video program, "the successes of casino owners and the manufacturing industry are used to demonstrate the use of the central limit theorem. One example shows how control charts allow us to effectively monitor random variation in business and industry. Students will learn how to create x-bar charts and the definitions of control limits and out-of-control limits."
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