Resource Library

Advanced Search | Displaying 681 - 690 of 920
  • This JAVA applet assists the user in developing skills to classify a problem as one of the various types of confidence intervals, hypethesis tests and Chi Squared tests. This is not an easy application, but the comprehensive hints provided will improve the users skills in making such classifications.
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  • This tutorial exposes students to conducting chi-square tests in SPSS. This html based tutorial provides extensive screen shots and an example data set.
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  • I am not accustomed to saying anything with certainty after only one or two observations. is a quote by Flemish anatomist Andreas Vesalius (1514-1564). The quote is found in "Epistola rationem modumque propinandi radicis Chynae decocti".
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  • Through this activity students will gain an understanding of the effect of the sample size on experiments and simulations. A Microsoft Excel program file and handouts are provided.
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  • This activity uses Microsoft Excel and a deck of playing cards to gain experience with probability concepts. Students will discuss independent events, sample spaces, equally likely probabilities, probability of the intersection of two independent events, probability of the union of two events, percentages, and complements of given events within the context of these simulations. The Excel file and handouts are provided.
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  • This activity uses Microsoft Excel for a simulation of probability concepts. The Excel file and handouts are provided. Students will explore the concept of independent events, sample spaces, equally likely probabilities, and percentages within the context of this simulation.
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  • This activity uses a computer program to explore probability concepts such as sample space, independent events, law of large numbers, and reliability. An outline of the activity and the computer program are provided.
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  • This activity discusses probability topics, such as: sample space, independent events, Law of Large Numbers, deviation percentage. A Excel program is required for this activity, which can be reached via the website.
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  • This probability activity discusses the differences among various kinds of studies and which types of inferences can legitimately be drawn from each, as well as how sample statistics reflect the values of population parameters and use sampling distributions as the basis for informal inference. The procedure and assessment are provided.
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  • This Java Applet of a scatterplot allows you to enter data, move data points, define the range of values, and view graph value information.
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