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  • CAST contains three complete introductory statistics courses, one advanced statistical methods course, and additional modules. Each introductory course presents the same topics, but with different applications. The first is a general version, the second is a biometric version with examples relating to biological, agricultural and health sciences, and the third is a business version. Each course comes in a student version and a lecture version. The additional modules cover Multiple and Nonlinear Regression, Quality Control, and Simulation. Registration is required, but free. Individuals or classes can register.
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  • This page helps readers know which statistcal tests are appropriate for the different types of data. Two charts display the information. A discussion of study design and sample size, as well as exercise questions with solutions are also provided.
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  • This module is designed to illustrate the effects of selection bias on the observed relationship between premarital cohabitation and later divorce. It also serves as a review of key methodological concepts introduced in the first part of the course.
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  • The textbook for this course discusses cross-cultural variations in household structure, as well as changes across time in household structure in the United States. The purpose of this exercise is to examine variations in household structure in the United States according to race and historical period. By the end of the exercise students should have a better appreciation of the fact that household structure in the U.S. is very fluid and that changes over time in household structure have not progressed uniformly for all race groups.
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  • This tutorial provides a basic introduction to many topics in statistics and probability. Topics include: Sets and subsets, Statistical experiments, Counting, Basic probability rules, Bayes' theorem, Probability distributions, Discrete vs. Continuous, Binomial, Negative Binomial, Hypergeometric, Multinomial, Poisson, Normal, Sampling theory, Central tendency, Variability, Sampling distributions, t Distribution, Chi-Square Distribution, F Distribution, Estimation problems, Hypothesis testing, Power, Survey sampling, Simple random samples, Stratified samples, Cluster samples, Sample size.
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  • The datasets in this collection are in text format, but are also compatible with Arc software from "Regression Graphics." Each set has a title, description, and data table. The software is available in the relation link below.
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  • This online textbook covers the following probability and statistics topics: Independence; Venn Diagrams; Bayes's Theorem; Counting; Binomial Expansion; Binomial Distribution; Continuous Distributions; Infinitesimals in Probability; Averaging; Variance; Gaussian Distribution; Random Walks; Correlation; Causation; Linear Regression; Unbiased Estimators; Hypothesis Testing; Shape of the Distribution; Variance of Mean Differences.
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  • HotBits is a genuine random number generator powered by radioactive decay. Simply click the "Request HotBits" link, and specify how many bytes you would like (up to 2048) and in what form you prefer them. Hexadecimal returns numbers and letters, while C language returns integers. Then click the "Get HotBits" button, and your random numbers will appear on the screen.
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  • This pdf document contains 7 pages of random number tables and 1 page of instructions for use.
    Average: 1 (1 vote)
  • This collection of datasets comes from several phases of drug research. Each dataset comes with a full description and questions to answer from the data.
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