Resource Library

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  • Data sets were submitted by the authors of articles in JSE. Each data set is presented along with a link to the article that references the data.
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  • This collection of data can be used for many useful statistical analyses. Data and description are in a separate file and useful for SAS data analysis too. Data are categorized by analysis type, hence easy to pic relevant data sets accordingly. The data can be used for many analysis such as, Categorical data analysis, Polynomial Linear, Nonlinear, Logistic, Poisson, Negative Binomial Regression analysis, Response Surface Regression, Binary Response Regression, Time Series Data,1-Way ANOVA/ Independent Samples t-test, Multi-Factor ANOVA, and many other data analysis.
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  • "This page contains data sets provided by UCLA faculty members in the Social Sciences, OBEE, and Economics departments. The purpose of the page is to provide vivid, real-life examples of how raw data is analyzed using computer programs such as STATA for introductory statistics classes such as Stat 11, Stat 12 and Stat 13." The format of the data is .dta.
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  • A song to aid in discussing various common problems seen in the wording of questions in sample surveys. The original music and lyrics were written in 2017 by Lawrence Mark Lesser from The University of Texas at El Paso. The song won second place in the 2017 A-mu-sing contest.
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  • A song to be used in discussing the idea that correlation does not imply causation. The original music and lyrics were written in 2017 by Lawrence Mark Lesser from The University of Texas at El Paso and won first place in the song category of the 2017 A-mu-sing contest.
    Average: 5 (1 vote)
  • A video to be used in discussions of the value of random assignment to avoid bias in the comparison of groups in an experiment. The video and lyrics were written by Mary McLellan from Aledo High School in Aledo, Texas and is sung to the tune of the Bee Gees 1977 disco hit "Stayin' Alive." The video won second place in the video category of the 2017 A-mu-sing contest.
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  • A poem to illustrate the dependence between trials when sampling is without replacement. To set this poem up in the classroom, you might ask the students questions like: "If I want to put the Supreme Court Justices in a random order, I can pick one at a time without replacement. Before I pick the first Justice, do I know who it's going to be? Before I pick the last Justice, do I know who it's going to be?" The poem was written in 2017 by Larry Lesser from The University of Texas at El Paso.
    Average: 3 (1 vote)
  • A game to help in the active learning of concepts in experimental design, regression, and significance testing. Shapesplosion is an on-line game in which a person is expected to place specifically shaped pegs into the appropriate holes within a short time period. In this project, students are asked to use the Shapesplosion game to design an experiment and collect data. This game is specifically designed so that students have the opportunity to develop and test their own unique research question. You can leave all the variables blank when you are simply trying out the game, however, if you want to find your score is the database of results, you will need to select the Participant Info box. This resource is particularly suitable for project oriented teaching and is part of the Stat2Labs collection at Grinnell College that includes instructor notes and student handouts created with funding from NSF-DUE grant #1043814 (Shonda Kuiper, PI).
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  • A game for the active learning of concepts in experimental design and hypothesis testing in the one sample, two-sample and matched pairs situation. Memorathon is an on-line game in which a person is expected to repeat a sequence of buttons provided by an electronic device. Each time you successfully repeat the given sequence of buttons, the sequence gets longer. The challenge is to remember as long a sequence as possible. Cognitive psychologists test short-term memory using serial recall, which evaluates the ability of people to recall information in the specified order in which it was presented. Measuring how many items a subject can remember in order without an error, called memory span, is also studied. The Memorathon Game is an example of serial recall and memory span. This on-line game provides students the opportunity to design multiple versions of the Memorathon Game in order to test which variables have the largest effect on memory. You can leave all the variables blank when you are simply trying out the game, however, if you want to find your score in the database of results, input any specific course ID and student ID. Memorathon is part of the Stat2Labs collection at Grinnell College which includes instructor notes and student handouts.
    Average: 5 (1 vote)
  • A game for use in the active learning of linear regression and sampling biases. TigerSAMPLING is almost identical to TigerSTAT. However in the TigerSAMPLING game there are additional questions that emphasize BIAS and GENERALIZABILITY. These games collect data and explore models for estimating the age of a Siberian tiger. In this game, students act as researchers on a national preserve where they are expected to catch tigers, collect data, analyze their data (using the simple linear regression on transformed data), and draw appropriate conclusions. The TigetSTAT labs handouts were created by Rod Sturdivant (Ohio State University), Kevin Cummiskey (West Point) and John Jackson (West Point). Tietronix Software developed the game. This resource is part of the Stat2Labs collection.
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