Resource Library

Advanced Search | Displaying 251 - 260 of 618
  • This resource defines a pie chart. It also allows the user to input values to create their own graphs. The user has control over the title, up to 15 slices, the color of each slice, and can choose a 3-D option.

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  • As quoted on the site, "This website ... offers the possibility to download true random numbers generated using a quantum random number generator upon demand. Users can specify the length of the random number sequence and their upper boundary."

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  • This applet plots the survival function (1-F(t)) of the exponential distribution against the empirical survival function. The empirical survival function is one minus the empirical distribution function.

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  • This site is the Statistical Consulting Service Web Resources page for York University. It includes lists of statistical and statistical graphics resources, SAS information guides, online statistical computing applets, and a bibliography of articles for the statistics user.

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  • Submitting your spotlight presentation from USCOTS 2005 to CAUSEweb is an easy process, and you are in a prime position to submit your work! What better way to have your work showcased than in a peer-reviewed repository of contributions to statistics education? This Webinar from January 2006 provided an opportunity to talk about how to prepare your USCOTS spotlight for submission to CAUSEweb and to discuss the benefits of submission.

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  • This random number service allows users to generate up to 10,000 random integers with duplicates, randomized sequences without duplicates, or up to 16 kilobytes of raw random bytes. Users can also flip virtual coins and generate random bitmaps. Key word: Random Number Generator.

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  • This site links to social science data archives all over Europe. By clicking "The Cataloge" users can search for datasets from any country's data archive or go directly to a data archive website by clicking the name of the country. By clicking "The Map" users can see a map of the locations of European data archives and click the country whose archive they would like to see. Some archives require registration to access the datasets.

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  • I am addicted to placebos. I could quit, but it wouldn't matter. A quote of American stand-up comedian, painter, author, and actor Steven Wright (1955 - ).

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  • This software allows you to extract data from published graphs. There is a web-based app and a downloadable version. First, you provide the software with a picture of the graph in question. Then you give it two points on the x-axis and two points on the y-axis for reference. Then you click on the points on the graph that you want to extract. The points are put into a .csv file.

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  • is a search engine for R resources. Type any topic in the search box, and get resources that are R specific. You can further narrow your search to just articles, books, packages, support, or "for beginners."

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