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Statistical Topic

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  • This resource defines and explains Chi square. It takes the user through 5 different categories: 1) Testing differences between p and pi 2) More than two categories 3) Chi-square test of independence 4) Reporting results 5) Exercises.

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  • Song is simply a quick jingle to help students recall the conceptual interpretation of a p-value. May be sung to tune of "Row, Row, Row Your Boat". Recorded June 26, 2009 at the OSU Whisper Room: Larry Lesser, vocals/guitar; Justin Slauson, engineer. This song is part of an NSF-funded library of interactive songs that involved students creating responses to prompts that are then included in the lyrics (see for the interactive version of the song, a short reading covering the topic, and an assessment item).

    Average: 5 (1 vote)
  • A song for use in helping students to reason about how larger sample sizes decrease the p-value, all else being equal.  Lyrics by Larry Lesser and music by Dominic Sousa in 2015, both from The University of Texas at El Paso.  This song is part of an NSF-funded library of interactive songs that involved students creating responses to prompts that are then included in the lyrics (see for the interactive version of the song, a short reading covering the topic, and an assessment item).

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  • This Shiny app implements the p-curve (Simonsohn, Nelson, & Simmons, 2014; see in its previous ("app2") and the current version ("app3"), the R-Index and the Test of Insufficient Variance, TIVA (Schimmack, 2014; see, and tests whether p values are reported correctly.

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  • When does a significant p-value indicate a true effect?  This app will help with understanding the Positive Predictive Value (PPV) of a p-value.

    This app is based on Ioannidis, J. P. A. (2005). Why most published research findings are false. PLoS Medicine, 2(8), e124.

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  • Plot the theoretical p-value distribution and power curve for an independent t-test based on the effect size, sample size, and alpha.

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  • Explore the Vovk-Sellke Maximum p-Ratio, a measure that indicates the maximum diagnosticity of a given p-value. Choose your own p-value to find out how diagnostic it is for your research!

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  • A song for use in helping students to apply relationships among alpha, p-value, and the decision of a hypothesis test.  Music & Lyrics © 2015 by Lawrence M. Lesser from The University of Texas at El Paso.  This song is part of an NSF-funded library of interactive songs that involved students creating responses to prompts that are then included in the lyrics (see for the interactive version of the song, a short reading covering the topic, and an assessment item).

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  • Compared to probability calculators, the traditional format of distribution tables has the advantage of showing many values simultaneously and, thus, enables the user to examine and quickly explore ranges of probabilities. This webpage includes a list of distributions and tables, including the standard normal (Z) table, student's t table, chi-square table, and F distribution tables. An animation of the density function and distribution function is shown above each distribution table to demonstrate the effects changing degrees of freedom and significance levels have on the shape of a distribution.

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  • A song to aid in discussing the interpretation of statistical significance as being unlikely to happen by chances computed under the null. The lyrics were written by Mary McLellan from Aledo High School in Aledo, Texas as one of several dozen songs created for her AP statistics course. The song may be sung to the tune of the “Star Spangled Banner.” Also, an accompanying video may be found at

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