Resource Library

Statistical Topic

Advanced Search | Displaying 121 - 130 of 137
  • This lesson deals with the statistics of political polls and ideas like sampling, bias, graphing, and measures of location. As quoted on the site, "Upon completing this lesson, students will be able to identify and differentiate between types of political samples, as well as select and use statistical and visual representations to describe a list of data. Furthermore, students will be able to identify sources of bias in samples and find ways of reducing and eliminating sampling bias." A link to a related worksheet is included.
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  • This online, interactive lesson on Bernoulli provides examples, exercises, and applets that cover binomial, geometric, negative binomial, and multinomial distributions.
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  • This Java based applet gives students an opportunity to work through confidence interval problems for the mean. The material provides written word problems in which an individual must be able to correctly identify the given parts for a confidence interval calculation, and then be able to use this information to find the confidence interval. It gives step by step prompts to encourage students to choose the correct numbers and "cast of characters".
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  • This is a basic web application that allows practice with matching points on a scatterplot to the appropriate correlation coefficient, r. Applet provides four scatterplots to match with four numeric correlations via radio buttons. After making selections, students click to see "correct" answers and keep a running total of proportion of correct matches, then may select four more plots.
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  • Discusses Markov chains, transition probabilities, and the transition probability matrix.
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  • This site briefly defines several different types of sampling methods, contrasts probability and nonprobability sampling, and discusses target population. Part of a tutorial on questionnaire and survey design.
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  • A collection of links to video workshops for students in mathematics. Includes many topics from statistics to math and science to algebra.
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  • This website lists five different types of probability sampling, giving the advantages and disadvantages of each.
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  • A series of pamphlets place online by the American Statistical Association, Survey Research Methods Section. Each pamphlet deals with a different aspect of survey research and how it is done.
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  • This article gives a description of typical sources of error in public opinion polls. It gives a short but insightful explanation of what the margin of error indicates as well as other common errors in opinion polls.
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