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Statistical Topic

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  • This applet is designed to teach an application of probability. This java applet works by simulating a situation where a three stage rocket is about to be launched. In order for a successful launch to occur all three stages of the rocket must successfully pass their pre-takeoff tests. By default, each stage has a 50% chance of success, however, this can be altered by dragging the bar next to each stage.
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  • Users can test their "psychic ability" to predict the future by guessing the outcome of a coin toss before it occurs. Enter your predictions by clicking the "heads" or "tails" button. When you enter your guess, the coin is tossed and the result is displayed. As you continue guessing, the applet keeps track of the total number of guesses and the total number of correct guesses, plotting it above. If you are truly psychic, you should be able to beat the odds in the long run. You can "weight" the coin by changing the probability of it landing heads.
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  • This program returns a list of all the permutations of the set {1, 2, ..., n}. It allows you to select the given output, copy it, and paste it into a Word or Excel document.
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  • A small collection of applets on the following topics: Introduction to Probability Models, Hypergeometric Distribution, Poisson Distribution, Normal Distribution, Proportions, Confidence Intervals for Means, The Central Limit Theorem, Bivariate Normal Distribution, Linear Regression, Buffon's Needle Problem.
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  • This site lists definitions of key terms related to experimental design and ANOVA, including factorial, blocking, interaction, and others. This site is part of the "Statistics Glossary" for the STEPS project (STatistical Education through Problem Solving).
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  • This tutorial takes the learner step-by-step in applying descriptive and inferential statistics using a real world situation.
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