How Far He'll Go

Lyrics © 2017 Michael Posner

I've been staring at my test in statistics
Longer than I care to remember
Not been perplexed by scatterplots before
I wish I could be the perfect student
But I know it would have been prudent
If I had studied regression even more

Got a high R-squared,
Heteroscadastic?  Nope
What does that mean? I’m scared!
A non-zero slope
I reject H0
Cause the p is low
Errors somewhat normal I see

See the line where the jump meets the year
It confounds me
‘Cause I don’t know, how far he’ll go
If the wind on his back as he jumps stays behind him

One never knows
We must be able to figure out how far he'll go
I will use the given coefficients
Cause I know that I’m proficient
Calculating the point that’s on the line
Take the year times 0.011

Subtract 14.4 and I’m done
So maybe my answer is fine
10.3 I got
About 34 feet
So I’ll put that dot, now my answer’s complete
But it sounds like a lot to accomplish that feat
What is wrong with me

See the line where the jump meets the year
It’s far out there
So I don’t know, how far he’ll go
So it seems extrapolation doesn’t work

For twenty-one eighty
So we don’t know
What's beyond those points
Can’t go past those points

See the line where the jump meets the year
Can’t go out there
So we don’t know, how far he’ll go
If the new point I predict leaves my plot far behind me
We don’t know
How far he'll go