Reference Material

  • A specially-designed statistical literacy course is needed for college students in majors that don't require statistics or mathematics. This paper suggests that key topics in conditional probability, multivariate regression and the vulnerability of statistical significance to confounding should be included and presents some new ways to teach these ideas.
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  • This page calculates either sample size or power for a one sample binomial problem. Users choose between a one-sided and two-sided test and specify the null and alternative hypothesized proportions. The calculator also gives the critical value.

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  • The dataset presented in this article provides the salary and performance data for non-pitchers for the 1992 Major League Baseball season. Exploratory data analysis is used to determine a suitable regression model for the data. Key Words: Model selection and validation; Stepwise model selection.
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  • This article describes a dataset containing information for 25 brands of domestic cigarettes. The dataset can be used to illustrate multiple regression, outliers, and collinearity.
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  • The dataset presented in this article contains information on the prices and weights of diamond stones; it can be used to illustrate simple linear regression and encourage students to think critically about the appropriateness of a model. The data is in .dat format. Key Words: Extrapolation; Interpretation of intercept; Model-building; Transformations.
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  • This article presents a dataset containing the 1970 draft lottery information, which illustrates a nonrandom procedure. Key Words: Chi-square; Correlation; Exploratory data analysis; Graphical analysis; Randomness; Regression.
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  • This article presents a dataset based on an industrial case study using design of experiments. It can be used to discuss sample size, power, statistical significance, interaction terms, Type I and Type II errors, the role and importance of the error term, design of experiments, and analysis of variance.
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  • The dataset presented in this article contains body measurements for 252 men and can be used to illustrate multiple regression and to provide practice in model building.
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  • The dataset presented in this article contains information on respiratory function and smoking. The data can be used to explore descriptive statistics, graphical analysis, regression, and observational studies. The data are in .dat format.
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  • This article describes data from the television game show Friend or Foe. The data can be used to determine factors affecting contestants' strategies using descriptive statistics, testing for differences in means or proportions, and regression analysis. Key Words: Discrete choice analysis.
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