
  • This presentation is a part of a series of lessons on the Analysis of Categorical Data.  This lecture provides a review of probability and statistical concepts such as conditional probabilities, Bayes Theorem, sensitivity and specificity, and binomial and poisson distributions.

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  • Includes detailed PowerPoints for 20 lectures for topics including generalized linear models, logistic regression, and random effects models.

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  • This website is a summary of a randomized controlled trial of a metropolitan police department's body-worn camera program. It is useful in class to talk about the design of the experiment and also to talk about how they state their results. Their results are given as confidence intervals for differences.

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  • This is a complete lesson module (including example problems with answers to selected problems) for the purpose of enabling students to: 1) Provide examples demonstrating how the margin of error, effect size, and variability of the outcome affect sample size computations. 2) Compute the sample size required to estimate population parameters with precision. 3) Interpret statistical power in tests of hypothesis. 4) Compute the sample size required to ensure high power when hypothesis testing.
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  • When performing a hypothesis test about the population mean, a possible reason for the failure of rejection of the null hypothesis is that there's an insufficient sample size to achieve a powerful test. Using a small data set, Minitab is used to check for normality of the data, to perform a 1-Sample t test, and to compute Power and Sample Size for 1-Sample t.

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  • Powerpoint explaining what power is and how power and sample size are related to one another.
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  • Presentation that covers: the significance of sample size, determination of sample size, factors that may affect sample size, and how to use sample size in a research or study.
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  • Video that explains what p-values and significance levels are in hypothesis testing.
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  • Video that will teach you how to interpret the P-Value and significance level for a two-tailed hypothesis test that is not rejected.
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  • Powerpoint that covers statistical testing and choosing the level of significance. It also shows statistical significance vs. practical significance.
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