
  • Beware of bugs in the above code; I have only proved it correct, not tried it. is a quote from American computer scientist Donald E. Knuth (1938 - ). The quote was written on March 22, 1977 as the last sentence of a five-page memo entitled "Notes on the van Emde Boas construction of priority deques: An instructive use of recursion."
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  • Although we often hear that data speak for themselves, their voices can be soft and sly. is a quote by American statistician Charles Frederick Mosteller (1916 - 2006). The quote is found on page 234 of his 1983 book "Beginning Statistics with Data Analysis".
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  • I am not surely always in the wrong; 'Tis hard if all is false that I advance, A fool must now and then be right by chance. is a quote from English poet William Cowper (1731 - 1800. The quote comes from three lines in his 1782 poem "Conversation."
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  • A sketch by Anastasia Mandel reinterpreting A Forest River by Isaac Ilyich Levitan (1890) with the statistical caption "A random regression forest; the statisticians are lost inside." This is part of a collection of sketches by Anastasia Mandel and their accompanying statistical captions discussed in the paper "How art helps to understand statistics" (Model Assisted Statistics and Applications, 2009) by Stan Lipovetsky and Igor Mandel in volume 4 pages 313-324. Free to use in classrooms and on course websites.

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  • A sketch by Anastasia Mandel reinterpreting Cattle by a Lake by Sidney Richard Percy (1862) with the statistical caption "A multimodal distribution with small outliers." This is part of a collection of sketches by Anastasia Mandel and their accompanying statistical captions discussed in the paper "How art helps to understand statistics" (Model Assisted Statistics and Applications, 2009) by Stan Lipovetsky and Igor Mandel in volume 4 pages 313-324. Free to use in classrooms and on course websites.

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  • A sketch by Anastasia Mandel reinterpreting Blacksmiths Taking a Drink by Jean Francois Raffaelli (1884) with the statistical caption "Looks like Kolmogorov-Smirnoff testing." This is part of a collection of sketches by Anastasia Mandel and their accompanying statistical captions discussed in the paper "How art helps to understand statistics" (Model Assisted Statistics and Applications, 2009) by Stan Lipovetsky and Igor Mandel in volume 4 pages 313-324. Free to use in classrooms and on course websites.

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  • Oh, well, this would be one of those circumstances that people unfamiliar with the law of large numbers would call a coincidence. is a quote spoken by Sheldon Cooper (2007 - ) a character on the CBS comedy show "The Big Bang Theory" played by Jim Parsons (1973 - ). The quote occurred in Season 1 episode 4 that first aired in October, 2007.
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  • A cartoon that can be used in teaching about random walks. Cartoon by John Landers ( based on an idea from Dennis Pearl (The Ohio State University). Free to use in the classroom and on course web sites.
    Average: 1 (1 vote)
  • A cartoon that can be used in teaching about Machine Learning estimation techniques. Cartoon by John Landers ( based on an idea from Dennis Pearl (The Ohio State University). Free to use in the classroom and on course web sites.
    Average: 1 (1 vote)
  • A cartoon that can be used in teaching about random walks. Cartoon by John Landers ( based on an idea from Dennis Pearl (The Ohio State University). Free to use in the classroom and on course web sites. (note - in the U.K. the word "redundancy" in labor statistics refers to people who have been laid-off because their job no longer exists).
    Average: 1 (1 vote)
