Literature Index

Displaying 1311 - 1320 of 3326
  • Author(s):
    Ward, J. H., & Foerster, P. A.
    Vere-Jones, D., Carlyle, S., & Dawkins, B. P.
    Our experiences with high school students have indicated that statistical concepts can be introduced meaningfully into the secondary curriculum by integrating them not only into the existing mathematics curriculum, but also into other non-mathematics subjects. Curricula must be changed to reduce the amount of material covered and to focus on fewer basic concepts that can be applied to a wide variety of problem situations in the real world. Statistical and other scientific approaches to problem-solving should play an important role in the education of all students.
  • Author(s):
    Adi, H., Karplus, R., Lawson, A., & Pulos, S.
    The establishment of relationships among variables is basic to prediction and scientific explanation. Correlational reasoning - the reasoning processes one uses in determining the strength of mutual or reciprocal relationship between variables - is, therefore, a fundamental aspect of scientific reasoning. Suppose, for instance, that a scientist is interested in finding out whether a correlation exists between the body weight of rats and the presence of a substance X in their blood. The establishment of a correlation requires an initial recognition of the four possible associations: (a) = heavy weight and presence of substance X; (b) = heavy weight and absence of substance X; (c) = light weight and presence of substance X; and (d) = light weight and absence of substance X. When variables can be dichotomized such as this, one may construct a 2x2 association table of the sort used to compute simple contingencies. In view of the fundamental role played by correlational reasoning in the investigative process, we asked ourselves the following question: How do high school science and mathematics students approach tasks that require correlational reasoning for successful solution? An answer to this question will indicate how students apply this important aspect of scientific reasoning and might suggest how this reasoning pattern could be enhanced through instruction.
  • Author(s):
    Randall E. Groth
    In the recent past, qualitative research methods have become more prevalent in the field of <br><br>statistics education. This paper offers thoughts on the process of framing a qualitative study by <br><br>means of an illustrative example. The decisions that influenced the framing of a study of preservice teachers  understanding of the concept of statistical sample are explained by describing <br><br>the goals, knowledge, and beliefs brought to the research project. Each framing decision is <br><br>portrayed as a function of these three overarching cognitions. It is suggested that mapping one s <br><br>goals, knowledge, and beliefs while framing and carrying out a qualitative study can be useful <br><br>for maintaining the quality of the stud
  • Author(s):
    Stirling, D.
    Rossman, A., &amp; Chance, B.
    Many concepts in simple linear regression can be explained or illustrated on scatterplots. Similar diagrams for regression with two explanatory variables require 3-dimensional scatterplots. Appropriate colouring and dynamic rotation on a computer are needed to effectively show their 3-dimensional nature. Concepts such as multicollinearity, sequential sums of squares and interaction have no analogue in simple linear regression, so it is particularly helpful to illustrate them graphically. This paper gives several examples of concepts in multiple regression that can be illustrated well with 3-dimensional diagrams.
  • Author(s):
    Hall, R., Wright, K., Wieckert, K.
    In this article, we analyze interactive processes through which research groups and their statistical advisors insert new (for researchers) statistical concepts into existing research practice. Through processes of talk-in-interaction (speaking, gesture, and inscription), they assemble specimens, research workers, devices, algorithms, and texts, in alternative representations of future work. Alternate assemblies are compared, edited, and projected into future activity, in clients' projects and in publications, where they are viewed over a longer project history. As achievements of local interaction, assemblies have an interactive structure that builds from, and contrasts with, accounts of historically prior practice, involves joint imagination of new combinations of human judgment, with technology (e.g., statistical algorithms), and includes deliberate efforts to evaluate and edit future work activity. Speakers animate orders of work as laminar, narrative structures that deploy time, place, and human/technical agency in consequentially different ways. These alternative assemblies are produced during conversations in which client research projects have been disrupted or suspended in the hope of finding a better way to work in the future. In this sense, learning about new technical concepts that will be realized at a collective level of analysis is anticipated and given structure in local processes of interaction. We conclude with a discussion of how technical concepts are extended in scope and meaning as they are distributed through work organization.
  • Author(s):
    Stirling, W. D.
    Phillips, B.
    Computer-based teaching material must contain animation or interaction to offer substantial benefits over delivery on paper. Technology developed for use in web browsers - especially Java and JavaScript - makes it relatively easy to add interactive diagrams to web pages. The object-oriented nature of Java is well suited to developing a large collection of interactive diagrams (applets) for teaching statistical concepts. Many useful statistical objects, behaviours and displays are shared by the applets so their implementation is relatively easy in Java. By designing all applets together as a single collection of linked classes, a resource with hundreds of applets can be created in which interaction plays a major role in teaching all concepts. CAST is used to demonstrate that a complete introductory statistics course with over 330 interactive diagrams can be developed using this technology in a fairly short time.
  • Author(s):
    West, R. W., &amp; Ogden, T.
    The World Wide Web (WWW) is a tool that can be used in many ways for basic statistics education. Using the latest WWW technology, educators can now include interactive demonstrations in the form of Java applets within their WWW materials. Six example applets developed by the authors are introduced and discussed. Suggestions for class are made, and instructions for incorporating the applets within a WWW document are given
  • Author(s):
    Lane, D. M., &amp; Peres, S. C.
    Rossman, A., &amp; Chance, B.
    Research on discovery learning and simulation training are reviewed with the focus on principles relevant to the teaching of statistics. Research indicates that even a well-designed simulation is unlikely to be an effective teaching tool unless students' interaction with it is carefully structured. Asking students to anticipate the results of a simulation before interacting with it appears to be an effective instructional technique. Examples of simulations using this technique from the project Online Statistics Education: An Interactive Multimedia Course of Study ( are presented.
  • Author(s):
    Ferrall, C.
    This paper discusses a set of programs written in the statistical package Stata that is designed to support interactive student tutorials. The tutorial package has several desirable features, including customized tutorials, full student interaction, checking of student answers, repetition of practice problems using randomly chosen values, and a simple way to gauge student comprehension even when students run the tutorials at home. As an example, a tutorial used in an undergraduate econometrics class is discussed. The example illustrates Monte Carlo experiments on the linear regression model that allow students to demonstrate the validity of various formulas for the sampling distribution of ordinary least squares estimators.
  • Author(s):
    Sinclair Sutherland and Jim Ridgway
    Statistical literacy involves engagement with the data one encounters. New forms of data and new ways to engage with data – notably via interactive data visualisations – are emerging. Some of the skills required to work effectively with these new visualisation tools are described. We argue that interactive data visualisations will have as profound an effect on statistical literacy as the introduction of statistics packages had on statistics in social science in the 1960s. Current conceptualisations of statistical literacy are too passive, lacking the exploration part in data analysis. Statistical literacy should be conceived of as empowerment to engage effectively with evidence, and educators should seek to move students along a pathway from using interactive data visualisations to building them and interpreting what they see  


The CAUSE Research Group is supported in part by a member initiative grant from the American Statistical Association’s Section on Statistics and Data Science Education
