Literature Index

Displaying 1161 - 1170 of 3326
  • Author(s):
    Shonda Kuiper, Linda Collins
    Investigative laboratory modules (labs) can introduce undergraduates to relatively advanced statistical methods from a variety of disciplines. The labs described in this article encourage students early in their undergraduate studies to experience the role of a research scientist and to understand how statistics help advance scientific knowledge. By making students grapple with intriguing real-world problems that demonstrate the intellectual content and broad applicability of statistics as a discipline, these labs encourage students to consider a career in statistics or to incorporate statistical thinking into any career. These materials offer many potential uses: they can be combined to form a second statistics course; they can be incorporated as a final project in an introductory statistics course; or they can be used individually to demonstrate to students and researchers in other disciplines how statisticians approach the scientific process.
  • Author(s):
    Cannon, A., Hartlaub, B., Lock, R., Notz, W., & Parker, M.
    Representatives from academia, industry, and government met in May 1999 and in April 2000 at the ASA Headquarters to discuss issues concerning undergraduate education in statistical science. One outcome of these meetings was the symposium entitled "Improving the Workforce of the Future: Opportunities in Undergraduate Education," held August 12 through 13, 2000, in Indianapolis, Indiana. Among the topics discussed in the meetings and at the symposium were guidelines for minor programs in statistical science. This article summarizes the results of these discussions.
  • Author(s):
    Ware, M. E., (Ed.)
    Brewer, C. L.
    We intended this Handbook to help instructors who teach statistics and research methods, either as separate courses or in others, such as introductory psychology and advanced content courses. We organized the 90 articles into two main sections, Statistics and Research Methods, and each major section contains subgroups of papers on common themes. Collectively, the articles include a stunning amount of information. Among other topics, articles in the first section cover (a) how to reduce students' anxiety about statistics, (b) general and specific strategies for teaching statistics, (c) how to illustrate some statistical concepts and techniques, and (d) several ways to generate data sets for student use. Among other topics, articles in the second section cover (a) ethical issues, (b) proposals for designing and conducting a research methods course, (c) techniques for enlivening and improving students' literature reviews, (d) general and specific strategies for teaching a variety of methodological concepts and procedures, (e) use of computers, (f) suggestions for successfully involving students in substantive research and encouraging formal presentations of their results, and (g) recommendations for making theses and dissertations more productive and pleasant. Equally important, many of the articles in both sections are rich sources of ideas for further research.
  • Author(s):
    Konold, C.
    Rossman, A., & Chance, B.
    Designers of educational software tools inevitably struggle with the issue of complexity. In general, a simple tool will minimize the time needed to learn it at the expense of range of applications. On the other hand, designing a tool to handle a wide range of applications risks overwhelming students. I contrast the decisions we made regarding complexity when we developed DataScope 15 years ago with those we recently made in designing TinkerPlots, and describe how our more recent tack has served to increase student engagement at the same time it helps them see critical connections among display types. More generally, I suggest that in the attempt to not overwhelm students, too many educational environments managed instead to under whelm them and thus serve to stifle rather than foster learning.
  • Author(s):
    Hunt, N.
    Goodall, G.
    Summary This article demonstrates how Microsoft Excel 2000 can best be used to tabulate and chart continuous data.
  • Author(s):
    Hancock, C., & Kaput, J. J.
    Current curricular thinking in mathematics, science and computing displays a recurring theme: the value of working with data and the importance of learning the skills and concepts associated with such work. Recent statements issued by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM, 1987) and the Mathematical Sciences Education Board (Ralston 1988) advocate a sharply increased emphasis on data analysis in school mathematics at all levels. The concern with computer literacy of the early 1980s is maturing into a discussion of the kinds of "information studies" that are needed to prepare students for a society in which information technologies play an essential and ever-expanding role (White , 1987). The call for the use of real data in the natural and social sciences goes back considerably farther (Hawkins, 1964; Morrison, 1964; Taba, 1967), but has recently gained new impetus from technological advances which multiply the potential for powerful, realistic investigation by science students (Hawkins, Brunner, et al. 1987; Tinker, 1987). In support of curricular developments such as these, new technologies offer a potential that is largely untapped. The large bitmapped screens and fast processors which are available on today's new workstations, and will be available on the school computers of the middle to late 1990's make possible a whole new class of tools for working with data, tools whose transparency and rich interactivity can support qualitatively new styles of inquiry and bring unprecedented analytic power to students of all ages. We have designed and partially prototyped an exemplar of this new class: a highly visual, highly interactive environment for creating, organizing, exploring and analyzing "attribute data" -- the kinds of data that are used in statistics and many of the sciences, and which conventional database systems are designed to store. The environment achieves a striking combination of simplicity, directness, power and flexibility. We are truly excited by the potential for tools of this kind to support a new level of data analysis and theory building in mathematics and the sciences. More than tools are needed, however. Essential to all of these curricular trends, it seems, is a fundamental set of concepts and skills about which more needs to be known.
  • Author(s):
    Laura Martignon & Stefan Krauss
    The intention of this work is to exhibit how children can be provided with a kit of elementary<br>tools for judgment under uncertainty, for good decision making and for reckoning with risk. Children, we<br>claim, can acquire this tool kit through a mosaic of simple, play-based activities which are devised to make<br>them aware of the characteristics of uncertainty. We present a sequence of tasks that build upon each other,<br>beginning with the Wason selection task, moving on to probabilistic tasks, tasks in elementary Bayesian<br>reasoning comparing proportions and, finally, to comparing risks. This research is guided and inspired by<br>empirical results on human decision making in the medical and financial domain.
  • Author(s):
    Tanner, M. A., &amp; Wardrop, R.
    Gordon, F., &amp; Gordon, S.
    This paper describes different ideas that key on most of the important topics of the introductory statistics course.
  • Author(s):
    Theuns, P. &amp; Cools, W.
    Phillips, B.
    In survey research, sub optimal sampling methods or formats of the questions asked can result in biased data, and so in poor results. Teaching this topic is hard because students can only "believe" the teacher and try to understand why and how biases can occur and contaminate the data. This paper introduces a new generic electronic learning environment that gives students hands-on experience with how their methodological choices affect the data. The learning environment consists of three modules. In the population module, the teacher defines a population. In the sampling module, the student can apply different sampling plans. In the survey module, the student can design a questionnaire and actually execute the survey. The resulting data file can be analyzed and compared to the population data. It is concluded that hands-on experience in a problem-based approach can support a deep understanding of several types of sampling errors and response biases.
  • Author(s):
    Coombs, W. T.
    It is my philosophical position that post graduate success is highly associated with autonomous learning. The student needs practice in (1) teaching herself statistical theory and application, (2) self-diagnosis of conceptual strength and weakness, and (3) the process of transcribing a well-defined researchable problem into readable prose. As parents, we have lovingly attempted to instill the sense of pride and accomplishment which can only come from independent success. We don't advocate abandonment, that is, a sink or swim correspondence course approach. The instructor who clarifies, guides, challenges, and supports is worth her salt and has only fully completed her charge when--like the parent--she's obsolete. The purpose of this paper is to explore motivational strategies for motivating student commitment to this autonomous learning objective.


The CAUSE Research Group is supported in part by a member initiative grant from the American Statistical Association’s Section on Statistics and Data Science Education