In addition to student learning, positive student attitudes have become an important<br>course outcome for many introductory statistics instructors. To adequately assess<br>changes in mean attitudes across introductory statistics courses, the attitude instruments used should be invariant by administration time. Attitudes toward statistics from 4,910 students enrolled in an introductory statistics course were measured using the Surveyof AttitudesToward Statistics(SATS)both at the beginning and at the end of the<br>semester. Confirmatory factor analysis on the covariance structure was used to determine the gender and time invariance properties of the SATS. Results indicate that the SATS is gender, time, and Gender ˙ Time invariant with respect to factor loadings and factor correlations. Gender was invariant with respect to 3 of the 4 factor variances;<br>variances from these same 3 factors were larger at the end than at the beginning of the<br>course.Having established that theSATSis factorially invariant with respect to gender,<br>time, and Gender ˙ Time, its component scores can be used appropriately to examine<br>mean attitude differences for these 2 variables and their interaction.
The CAUSE Research Group is supported in part by a member initiative grant from the American Statistical Association’s Section on Statistics and Data Science Education