Learning Statistics Using Motivational Videos, Real Data and Free Software

Harraway, John A

Website and software products that have the potential to raise the profile of statistics in society are described. The website has links to case study videos describing contexts, study designs, data files and lessons using the new software for data exploration and analysis. Case study videos dealing with current research applying statistics have been selected to motivate discussion in class, and further “hands on” learning can be achieved through use of the software. During the development phase in New Zealand in 2010 the software was trialed and student and teacher experiences are reported. A full day professional development workshop for teachers involving lessons using the software was recorded and these are on the website to assist teachers and students. The software is free for teachers and students at education institutes, and the procedure for obtaining a license is outlined.

The CAUSE Research Group is supported in part by a member initiative grant from the American Statistical Association’s Section on Statistics and Data Science Education