Literature Index

Displaying 1901 - 1910 of 3326
  • Author(s):
    Engel, J.
    Rossman, A., & Chance, B.
    We consider the role of technology in learning concepts of modeling univariate functional dependencies. It is argued that simple scatter plot smoothers for univariate regression problems are intuitive concepts that- beyond their intended usefulness in providing a possible answer to more intricate regression problem - may serve as a paradigm for statistical thinking, detecting structure in noisy data. Simulation may play a decisive role in understanding the underlying concepts and acquiring insight into the relationship between structural and random variation.
  • Author(s):
    Eisenhauer, J. G.
    Goodall, G.
    Summary This article describes situations in which regression through the origin is appropriate, derives the normal equation for such a regression and explains the controversy regarding its evaluative statistics. Differences between three popular software packages that allow regression through the origin are illustrated using examples from previous issues of Teaching Statistics .
  • Author(s):
    Knapp, T. R., et al.,
    This document consists of three modules concerned with aspects of statistics. The first provides knowledge of the effect of imperfect correlation and random error on differences between means, and the reasons for the necessity of random allocation of objects to experimental and control conditions in scientific experimentation. The second unit shows how to: 1) Use frequency distributions and histograms to summarize data; 2) Calculate means, medians, and modes as measures of central location; 3) Decide which measures of central location may be most appropriate in a given instance; and 4) Calculate and interpret percentiles. The third module is designed to enable the student to: 1) discuss how approximation is pervasive in statistics; 2) compare "structural" and "mathematical" approximations to probability models; 3) describe and recognize a hypergeometric probability distribution and an experiment in which it holds; 4) recognize when hypergeometric probabilities can be approximated adequately by binomial, normal, or Poisson probabilities; 5) recognize when binomial probabilities can be approximated adequately by normal or Poisson probabilities; 6) recognize when the normal approximation to binomial probabilities requires the continuity correction to be adequate; and 7) calculate with a calculator or computer hypergeometric or binomial probabilities exactly or approximately. Exercises and tests, with answers, are provided in all three units. (MP)
  • Author(s):
    Quinn, R. J. & Wiest, L. R.
    This article discusses a lesson that explores important mathematical topics in the context of this popular board game [Scrabble]. Specifcally, this lesson meets the recommendations of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics to give middle school students opportunities to make conjectures and to gather, represent, and interpret statistical data while engaging in an enjoyable, cooperative, interdisciplinary activitiy (NCTM 1989).
  • Author(s):
    Huberty, C. J., Dresden, J., & Bak, B.
    Ways of knowing statistical concepts are reviewed. A general three-category structure for knowing is proposed: (a) calculations, (b) propositions, and (c) conceptual understanding. Test items were developed that correspond to the first category and to a partitioning of the two latter categories into words and symbols. Thirty-one items covering the five types were administered to 57 graduate students. Correlation of student scores on the 10-item calculations subtest and the 10-item propositions subtest was . 61, whereas the other two intercategory correlations were .40 (Calculations vs. Conceptual Understanding) and .37 (Propositions vs. Conceptual Understandings). The result suggest that students should be tested in more than one domain, and that instructors should expect students to develop conceptual understanding in addition to skills in computation.
  • Author(s):
    Elmore, P. B., & Vasu, E. S.
    This study investigated the effect of attitudes toward mathematics-related coursework, previous mathematics coursework, student sex, spatial ability, and masculinity-femininity of interest pattern on statistics achievement. Subjects were 188 students from the inferential statistics classes taught at a midwestern university during 1977-1978. Instruments administered were five spatial visualization ability subtests of the Factor-Referenced Cognitive Tests, Fennema-Sherman Mathematics Attitudes Scales, the Masculinity-Femininity scale of the MMPI, the Attitudes Toward Feminist Issues Scale, and a biographical data sheet. Sex-related differences were found on two of the mathematics attitude scales, on three of the five spatial visualization subtests, and on the total points achieved in the statistics course. Regression analyses were performed to determine the predictors of success in statistics courses.
  • Author(s):
    Huberty, C. J., Dresden, J., & Bak, B. G.
    Vere-Jones, D., Carlyle, S., & Dawkins, B. P.
    A controversy has arisen concerning the relative merits of conceptually-oriented teaching versus calculation-centered teaching. Marks (1989) maintains that concepts are far more important than computations, and that they can be successfully taught without the related computations. In contrast, Khamis (1989) claims that students cannot truly understand statistical information until they have had experience doing calculations by hand. Both authors present persuasive arguments, but no empirical evidence to support their conclusions. The present paper outlines a study which aimed to fill this gap. First, however, we try to place the controversy into the context of wider cognitive issues.
  • Author(s):
    Petocz, P., & Reid, A.
    Batanero, C., & Joliffe, F.
    Students in the same statistics course learn different things, and view the role of the lecturer in different ways. We report on empirical research on students' conceptions of learning statistics, their expectations of teaching, and the relationship between them. The research is based on interviews, analysed using a qualitative methodology, with statistics students studying for a mathematics degree. Students expressed a range of conceptions of learning in statistics and a range of conceptions of their lecturers' teaching. These conceptions of learning and teaching were related, but not as closely or as exclusively as previous researchers have indicated. Looking at what students expect of teachers and their views of their own learning provides an opportunity for teachers to develop teaching practices that challenge students to move towards more integrated conceptions of statistics learning.
  • Author(s):
    Roberts, D. M., & Bilderback, E. W.
    A 34 item scale entitled Statistics Attitude Survey (SAS) was developed and administered to three samples of students taking a beginning statistics course. Analyses showed that the scale was highly homogenous and that total scale scores had moderate correlations with statistics grades.
  • Author(s):
    Watkins, A., Burrill, G., Landwehr, J. M., & Scheaffer, R. L.
    Gordon, F., & Gordon, S.
    This paper discusses changes in secondary school curriculum to include more statistics education.


The CAUSE Research Group is supported in part by a member initiative grant from the American Statistical Association’s Section on Statistics and Data Science Education
