Literature Index

Displaying 1261 - 1270 of 3326
  • Author(s):
    Scheaffer, R.
    Someone needs to bring reason and logic to this mass movement to solve all problems with data, and that task should fall to the statistician. Now, I realize that data sets are collected and analyzed by practitioners in many fields, but statisticians are the only professional group educated specifically to ask (and, hopefully, answer) the deep questions about data quality, reliability, and validity, and to seek optimal solutions to data production and analysis that can apply across a wide range of applications. At present, it may be true that statistics is more in demand than are statisticians, but there are plenty of opportunities for the latter. It is high time we expand our numbers so that we can meet the ever-increasing need for statisticians in the information age.
  • Author(s):
    Scheaffer, R.
    Data are hot! Everyone -- students, teachers, parents, employers -- is interested in data, but few know how to collect and interpret data intelligently. Data is the basis of science, and statistical thinking is key to the scientific method, yet few graduates of high school and college understand how science works. For these and other reasons, statistics must become a major component of the modern K-12 mathematics curriculum and achieve a stronger presence in the undergraduate curriculum, as recommended by a wide variety of educational groups.
  • Author(s):
    Shaw, P. F.
    Biddulph, F. & Carr, K.
    This study was concerned with finding what characteristics of data, such as direction of skewness, degree of skewness and degree of kurtosis, affected students' ability to use histograms and boxplots for detecting non-symmetry in the parent population. The study found that while there was no consistent difference between boxplots and histograms in the proportion of students detecting skewness when the data was displayed in a left-skewed orientation, the direction of skewness did have a significant effect, with more students detecting skewness when the same data was displayed in a right-skewed orientation. This results is consistent with research reported in the psychological literature where many, but not all, studies have shown an over emphasis on the left hand field of view for normal subjects. Other findings of the study are given and suggestions for further research made.
  • Author(s):
    Kepner, H. S., & Burrill, G. F.
    Hawkins, A.
    This is a discussion of a single-day workshop which provides statistics in-service training to a large number of the high school mathematics teachers in the state of Wisconsin.
  • Author(s):
    Gallimore, M.
    Hawkins, A.
    This paper discusses a course taken by statistics teachers from a distance to the school itself.
  • Author(s):
    Konold, C., Pollatsek, A., Well, A., Lohmeier, J., & Lipson, A.
    Performance on problems included in the fourth administration of NAEP suggest that roughly half of secondary students believe in the independence of random events. In the study reported here about half of the subjects who appeared to be reasoning normatively on a question concerning the most likely outcome of five flips of a fair coin gave a logically inconsistent answer on a follow-up question about the least likely outcome. In a second study, subjects were interviewed about various aspects of coin flipping. Many gave contradictory answers to closely related questions. We offer two explanations for inconsistent responses: a) switching among incompatible perspectives of uncertainty, including the outcome approach, judgment heuristics, and normative theory, and b) reasoning via basic beliefs about coin flipping. As an example of the latter explanation, people believe both that a coin is unpredictable and also that certain outcomes of coin flipping are more likely that others. Logically, these beliefs are not contradictory; they are, however, incomplete. Thus, contradictory statements appear when these beliefs are applied beyond their appropriate domain.
  • Author(s):
    Konold, C., Pollatsek, A., Well, A., Lohmeier, J., & Lipson, A.
    Subjects were asked to select from among four possible sequences the "most likely" to result from flipping a coin five times. Contrary to the results of Kahneman and Tversky(1972), the majority of subjects (72%) correctly answered that the sequences are equally likely to occur. This result suggests, as does performance on similar NAEP items, that most secondary school and college-age students view successive outcomes of a random process as independent.
  • Author(s):
    Martinez-Dawson, R.
    Laboratory experiments using spectrophotometers and pH meters were incorporated into an undergraduate introductory statistics course in order to create an interdisciplinary approach of teaching statistics to non-statistics majors. By conducting laboratory experiments commonly associated with science-based curricula, students were exposed to the relationship between science and statistics through experimental design and data analysis. The laboratory experiments used in the course are related to fields such as chemistry, biology, and environmental sciences and are described in this article.
  • Author(s):
    Danesh, I.
    Described is a Monte-Carlo method for modeling physical systems with a computer. Also discussed are ways to incorporate Monte-Carlo simulation techniques for introductory science and mathematics teaching and also for enriching computer and simulation courses. (RH)
  • Author(s):
    Kataoka, V. Y., Batista Ferreira, E., da Silva, C. S. F., & Oliveira, M. S.
    Rossman, A., & Chance, B.
    A prospective exam was performed to quantify the statistical knowledge of students before they start attending classes in college. A four question test (two of probability and two of descriptive statistics) was given to 95 students of Federal University of Lavras and 87 students of three secondary schools (two private and a public one). The mean scores were not statistically different and were considered poor. It was suggested that this poor student knowledge might be due to poor knowledge of their teachers or a lack of motivation and interest. To attempt to correct for this, secondary teachers attended a one-day class given by the authors of this paper. By examining student scores from before and after that information transference, it was found that teachers that attended the class could transmit more information and enhance their students' scores.


The CAUSE Research Group is supported in part by a member initiative grant from the American Statistical Association’s Section on Statistics and Data Science Education