Literature Index

Displaying 2351 - 2360 of 3326
  • Author(s):
    Johnson, T. M., Jones, G. A., Thornton, C. A., Langrall, C. W., & Rous, A.
    Biddulph, F. & Carr, K.
    This study examined changes in students probabilistic thinking and writing during instruction emphasizing writing to learn experiences. A class of fifth grade students with no previous experiences in writing during mathematics made significant gains in probability reasoning and writing; however the correlation between probabilistic thinking and writing was not significant. Analysis of focus students revealed that their writing changed from narrative summaries to reasoned patterns and generalizations. However, some used invented representations without interpretation and were reluctant to write in mathematical contexts.
  • Author(s):
    Douglas Whitaker & Tim Jacobbe
      Bar graphs and histograms are core statistical tools that are widely used in statistical practice and commonly taught in classrooms. Despite their importance and the instructional time devoted to them, many students demonstrate misunderstandings when asked to read and interpret bar graphs and histograms. Much of the research that has been conducted about these misunderstandings has been with students in introductory statistics classes at the college level. In this article, students in grades 6–12 completed multiple-choice and constructed-response questions about bar graphs and histograms as part of a larger study. The same misunderstandings that college-level students demonstrate were found in these younger students.  
  • Author(s):
    Wilder, P.
    This paper is motivated by a concern about the increasingly important role being given to computer-based simulations of random behavior in the teaching and learning of probability and statistics. Many curriculum developments in this area make the implicit assumption that students accept the computer algorithm for generating random outcomes as an appropriate representation of random behavior. This paper will outline some reasons for questioning this assumption, and will indicate a need to investigate how students' mental models of random behavior differ from their understanding of the computer representation of randomness.
  • Author(s):
    Williams, A.
    Biddulph, F. & Carr, K.
    Throughout introductory tertiary statistics subjects, students are introduced to a multitude of statistical concepts and procedures. One such term, significance, has been given considerable emphasis in the statistical literature with respect ot the topic of hypothesis testing. However, systematic research regarding this concept is very limited. This paper investigates students' coneptual and procedural knowledge of this concept through the use of concept maps and standard hypothesis tests. Eighteen students completing a first course in university -level statistics were interviewed twice during a 14-week semester.
  • Author(s):
    Vallecillos, M. A., Batanero, M. C., & Godino, J. D.
    In this paper the initial results of a theoretical- experimental study of university students' errors on the level of significance of statistical test are presented. The "a pripri" analysis of the concept serves as the base to elaborate a questionnaire that has permitted the detection of faults in the understanding of the same in university students, and to categorize these errors, as a first step in determining the acts of understanding relative to this concept.
  • Author(s):
    Vallecillos, M. A., Batanero, M. C., & Godino, J. D.
    In this paper the initial results of a theoretical-experimental study of university students' errors on the level of significance of statistical tests are presented. The "a priori" analysis of the concept serves as the base to elaborate a questionnaire that has permitted the detection of faults in the understanding of the same in university students, and to categorize these errors, as a first step in determining the acts of understanding relative to this concept.
  • Author(s):
    Vallecillos, M. A., Batanero, M. C., & Godino, J. D.
    In this short presentation we describe the experimental results obtained from a group of university students who were asked about the interpretation given to the significance level in a test of hypothesis. From the analysis of students' arguments, interesting conclusions about the students' understanding and use of the concept are deduced and a wide variety of misconceptions which extend the results from Falk and White are shown. We think these conclusions constitute a first step towards the identification of obstacles in the learning of the aforementioned concept and can contribute to an improvement in the teaching and application of statistics.
  • Author(s):
    Shaughnessy, J. M. & Ciancetta, M
    Phillips, B.
    The concept of statistical variation in a probability distribution is closely connected to the concept of sample space in a probability task. One must have some sense of the possible outcomes in a probability task in order to predict the likely variation range that will occur during repeated trials of that probability task. A survey version of a NAEP probability task was given to 652 mathematics students in grades 6 - 12 to obtain information on students' understanding of the sample space. Subsequently 28 students from grades 8-12 were given an interview version that included a simulation of the task. Survey results indicate that a higher percentage of students taking advanced mathematics correctly answered the probability task than was predicted by the NAEP data. Results of the interviews suggest that students who at first thought incorrectly about the probability task were likely to change their minds after seeing the variation in results of sets of repeated trials of the task.
  • Author(s):
    Konold, C., Robinson, A., Khalil, K., Pollatsek, A., Well, A., Wing, R., & Mayr, S.
    Phillips, B.
    We interviewed 7th and 9th grade students to explore how they summarized and reasoned about data. The students were near the end of an eight-week collaborative research project in which they analyzed data they had collected on the types and frequencies of animals killed on town roads. During our interviews, students worked with data similar to those they had collected to answer questions we posed about conditions that might affect the number of animals struck by cars. To summarize their data, students tended to use a "modal clump," a range of data in the heart of a distribution of values. These clumps appear to allow students to express simultaneously what is average and how variable the data are. Modal clumps may provide useful beginning points for explorations of more formal statistical ideas of center.
  • Author(s):
    Shaughnessy, J. M.
    Rossman, A., & Chance, B.
    In recent years there has been increased attention within both the research and teaching communities of mathematics education to using student work and student thinking to obtain clues about how students develop and construct their mathematical knowledge. Teachers and researchers in statistics education have also begun to look more closely at student work and student thinking on statistics tasks, in order to gain better insights into what their students know about statistical concepts. In this plenary talk I will share some excerpts of Grade 6 - 12 students' thinking and reasoning on several statistical tasks that were designed to probe for students' understandings of variability in data sets and in distributions. Task based interviews on data sets presented to our students in both graphical and tabular form that can provide us with roadmaps to for curriculum decisions to enrich our students' statistical growth whatever their level may be.


The CAUSE Research Group is supported in part by a member initiative grant from the American Statistical Association’s Section on Statistics and Data Science Education