Literature Index

Displaying 2061 - 2070 of 3326
  • Author(s):
    Duncan, O. D.
    There is no adequate survey of ancient writing on chance, much less of its possible influences on writers in the last few centuries, and I am not the scholar to make good the deficiency. But it occurred to me that in the playful, albeit serious, spirit of Renyi's Letters, I could try to show some parallels between ideas central to my own recent work with probability models and discussions I've happened across in my recreational reading of the classics. I will refer particularly to Plutarch, who lived about A.D. 40-120 and whose surviving work is voluminous by comparison with that of almost any other ancient writer with equally broad interests. First, I note a number of general and recurring themes in Plutarch's Moralia and Lives (the two large collections of essays and biographies comprising his oeuvre) that seem to anticipate some of the topics dealt with by writers on probability in the scientific age; and then I mention in detail some specific passages in Plutarch that could be used in a didactic presentation of the probabilistic Rasch measurement model, on which my own research has been focused for the last several years. Allow me to follow Plutarch's own practice of quoting extensively from the sources.
  • Author(s):
    Olson, C. L.
    According to the representativeness heuristic, the probability that an element is an exemplar of a given class is judged to be high to the extent that the element is representative of the class with respect to its salient features. In three experiments involving situations previously called upon in support of representativeness theory, questionnaire responses from 265 university students demonstrated systematic biases that deviated sharply from the obvious predictions of the theory. One such bias, the students' misinterpretation of proportion information as absolute-number information, is comparable to Piaget's concrete operations. The implications of representativeness theory are discussed in terms of the theory's relationship to concrete thinking, the importance of task characterisitcs, and the difficulty of a priori specification of the salient features with respect to which representativenss is assessed.
  • Author(s):
    Olson, C. L.
    According to the representativeness heuristic, the probability that an element is an exemplar of a given class is judged to be high to the extent that the element is representative of the class with respect to its salient features. In three experiments involving situations previously called upon in support of representativeness theory, questionnaire responses from 265 university students demonstrated systematic biases that deviated sharply from the obvious predictions of the theory. One such bias, the students' misinterpretation of proportion information as absolute-number information, is comparable to Piaget's concrete operations. The implications for representativeness theory are discussed in terms of the theory's relationship to concrete thinking, the importance of task characteristics, and the difficulty of a priori specification of the salient features with respect to which representativeness is assessed.
  • Author(s):
    Vannman, K.
    Hawkins, A.
    In Sweden, secondary school teachers have, on the average, two one day in-service meetings in mathematics per year. I have been involved in such short in-service training, and I will present some ideas that have developed from these meetings.
  • Author(s):
    Holmes, P.
    Batanero, C., & Joliffe, F.
    Over the past 25 years or so there has been a growing interest and amount of research work into the teaching of probability and statistics. This interest and research has been reflected in the five International Conferences on Teaching Statistics, the establishment of journals such as Teaching Statistics and the Journal for Statistics Education as well as an increasing number of articles in other journals and papers at other conferences. Initially the emphasis was on school pupils but, increasingly, there has been an emphasis on teaching undergraduates.<br>In their bibliography, Sahai, et al (1996) list 2367 references up until the year 1994. With so much published work it is difficult for newcomers to the field to know where to start. The following list of basic references attempts to pull together the various strands of research about undergraduate teaching so that new lecturers will be able to get a quick overview of current thinking and where it has come from. The many older references are to give an historical context and reflect the influences on today's practice.<br>As in all such summary bibliographies there is a lot of subjectivity in the choice of what to include. It was difficult to decide whether or not to include textbooks. In the end I decided to include a few that had been particularly influential on the way statistics is taught at undergraduate level. I have not included any of the very interesting references that are specific to the school level because this would have made what was intended to be a short list even longer than it has become. The list has been circulated amongst a lot of people working in the field of statistical education and I have benefited from their advice. In the final analysis, though, the final decision was mine and any errors and omissions are mine. I would welcome correspondence about any important contributions that are missing and any references that I have included that you think should not be.
  • Author(s):
    Emond, W. J.
    Describes the use of programs written in BASIC and graphics facilities of microcomputers to make students aware of the assumptions of statistical models in linear regression and the design of experiments. Two references are cited. (CHC)
  • Author(s):
    Begg, A. J. C.
    Hawkins, A.
    This report discusses statistical education and some possible changes in courses.
  • Author(s):
    Trumbo, B. E.
    In this second paper of a series, two programs for EGA-equipped IBM-PC compatible machines are included with indications of their pedagogical uses in the teaching of elementary probability and statistics. Concepts illustrated include the coefficient of correlation, the expectation of a discrete distribution, the concept of a fair game, and the hypergeometric distribution. Three datasets useful for illustrating correlation are also documented and appended.
  • Author(s):
    Trumbo, B. E.
    Graphical, computational, interactive, and simulation capabilities of computers can be successfully employed in the teaching of elementary probability, either as classroom demonstrations or as exploratory exercises in a computer laboratory. In this first paper of a contemplated series, two programs for EGA-equipped IBM-PC compatible machines are included with indications of their pedagogical uses. Concepts illustrated include the law of the large numbers, the frequentist definition of a probability, the Poisson distribution and process, and intuitive approaches to independence and randomness. (Commands for rough equivalents to the programs using Minitab are shown in the Appendix.)
  • Author(s):
    Falk, R.
    The purpose of the present paper is, first, to show how the binomial and the hypergeometric distributions could be lent a comparable form. The suggested presentation exhibits the similarity in the structure of the two distributions in accordance with the similarity in the verbal definitions of the random variables. Likewise, the minor dissimilarity in the two formulas reflects the difference in the respective verbal definitions. Next, the law of addition of expectations will be applied in order to compute the expectations of the above two distributions. The two expectations will be shown to be equal and the computation rendered simple. Finally, the power of the addition technique will be illustrated by computing the expectation for the number of runs in a binary random sequence. In an extended application, the expectation of the number of alternations in a random binary two-dimensional table will be computed, bypassing the complex problem of the distribution of that random variable.


The CAUSE Research Group is supported in part by a member initiative grant from the American Statistical Association’s Section on Statistics and Data Science Education