Literature Index

Displaying 1411 - 1420 of 3326
  • Author(s):
    Peter P. Howley
    As part of many universities' Business degrees, students will undertake an introductory statistics course.<br>Lecturers need to help these students appreciate and recognise the value of possessing quantitative skills<br>and to learn and apply such skills. Three components to teaching that address these aims as well as the<br>interdependence of these components as part of a process which enhances the teaching environment and<br>student outcomes are described. Methods and examples to perform the techniques and ideas are<br>provided along with a discussion of their implementation and effectiveness after delivery in a large first<br>year course.
  • Author(s):
    Steve MacFeely, Pedro Campos, and Reija Helenius
    Statistical literacy is complex and multifaceted. In every country, education and numeracy are a function of a multitude of factors including culture, history, and societal norms. Nevertheless, since the launch of the International Statistical Poster Competition (ISLP) in 1994, a number of patterns have emerged to suggest there are some common or universal success factors in running statistical literacy competitions involving schools, universities, statistical offices, and many other institutions. This paper outlines some of those factors, such as institutional cooperation, celebrating participation and success, improvement of statistical literacy in the local schools, support for teachers, the involvement of national statistics institutes, and use of technology. These factors have been identified from our own experience running the competition and from articles submitted to the ISLP newsletters. Statistical literacy is a complex phenomenon, and so this is neither an exhaustive list of key factors nor a formula for success, but rather an overview of recurring themes across countries participating in the competition around the world.  
  • Author(s):
    Hobden, S.
    Phillips, B.
    Preservice Mathematics teachers are faced with the task of learning Mathematics subject content and developing pedagogical knowledge. This paper describes an attempt to address these tasks simultaneously by designing a course in which preservice teachers collect data related to learners' understanding of statistics and fractions, and develop their own statistical understanding and expertise through analysis of this data. The preservice teachers' statistical thinking was assessed by analysis of articles they wrote based on their own data. It is asserted that even in the presence of the requisite raw materials, statistical thinking is not intuitive and requires explicit teaching.
  • Author(s):
    Colin Foster
    This article reflects on whether probability statements can usefully be made about one-off exceptional events
  • Author(s):
    Tauber, L.
    Carmen Batanero, C. &amp; S&aacute;nchez, V.
    In this research we are interested in the teaching and learning of normal distributions in an introductory data analysis course. The research is based on a theoretical framework where two different dimensions (institutional and personal) of meaning and understanding are considered for mathematical objects. We are interested in the following questions: 1. What is the institutional reference meaning of the normal distribution in a traditional introductory course of data analysis? In Chapter 4 we describe an empirical analysis of 11 University textbooks, from which we determine the main elements of meaning (problems, practices to solve these problems, representations, concepts, properties and types of arguments) that are presented in these textbooks in relation to the normal distribution. 2. How should the teaching of normal distribution be organised to take into account the use of computers? A teaching sequence of the normal distribution, which takes into account the result of the previous analysis and which incorporates the use of computers is described in Chapter 5. The main differences introduced by the use of computers as regards the reference meaning and the student's predicted activities in the different tasks are analysed. 3. What difficulties arise when developing this teaching? In fact, how is the teaching carried out? The observation of the teaching sequence in two successive academic years (1998-99) (1999-2000) and the interactions between the lecturer and the students in the different sessions are analysed in Chapter 6. The main points of difficulty and change predicted in the teaching are described. 4. How does the teaching work for students? What are their difficulties? What do they learn? (evolution of personal meaning along instruction). A total of 117 students were sampled. In each session the students, working in pairs, produced written documents with their solution to open-ended tasks. These documents were analysed to identify correct and incorrect elements of meaning that students used in their solutions. The progression in learning was clear as regards the theoretical concepts and use of software, and less general as regards the methods of solution or real data analysis activities. 5. What is the students' personal knowledge after teaching? We used two different instruments to assess students' learning: a) a questionnaire; b) a data analysis activity from a new data file to be solved with the use of computers. The data analysis showed that the majority of students were able to understand isolated concepts associated with the normal distribution (on average each student gave 70% of correct answers in the questionnaire). On the contrary there was a great difficulty in integrating these elements to solve real data analysis problems (only 40% of students succeeded in the open task). We conclude that data analysis is a high level activity which is difficult to teach in the time available for an introductory course, and that the main aim in these courses should be to train "users of statistics". Finally to complement our work, we compare the main differences in learning between students with and without previous statistical knowledge.
  • Author(s):
    Alice Richardson and Felecia Zhang
    In this paper we report on the results of an experiment conducted in the unit Introduction to<br>Statistics at the University of Canberra. A variety of strategies, referred to as games, sets and<br>matches, were employed, many of which emanate from the teaching of foreign languages. These<br>included personal strategies for the lecturer such as recording lectures, individual strategies for<br>the students such as the use of Hot Potatoes software, and group strategies for the students such<br>as vocabulary cards and in-class activities and discussions. The aim of the experiment was firstly<br>to improve students' use of statistical language, and secondly to see if we were indeed still<br>teaching statistics, and improving overall student performance in the unit..
  • Author(s):
    David A. Rolls
    In the branch of probability called "large deviations," rates of convergence (e.g. of the sample mean) are considered. The theory makes use of the moment generating function. So, particularly for sums of independent and identically distributed random variables, the theory can be made accessible to senior undergraduates after a first course in stochastic processes. This paper describes a directed independent study in large deviations offered to a strong senior, providing a sample outline and discussion of resources. Learning points are also highlighted.
  • Author(s):
    Ivo D. Dinov, Nicolas Christou and Robert Gould
    Modern approaches for technology-based blended education utilize a variety of recently developed novel pedagogical, computational and network resources. Such attempts employ technology to deliver integrated, dynamically-linked, interactive-content and heterogeneous learning environments, which may improve student comprehension and information retention. In this paper, we describe one such innovative effort of using technological tools to expose students in probability and statistics courses to the theory, practice and usability of the Law of Large Numbers (LLN). We base our approach on integrating pedagogical instruments with the computational libraries developed by the Statistics Online Computational Resource ( To achieve this merger we designed a new interactive Java applet and a corresponding demonstration activity that illustrate the concept and the applications of the LLN. The LLN applet and activity have common goals - to provide graphical representation of the LLN principle, build lasting student intuition and present the common misconceptions about the law of large numbers. Both the SOCR LLN applet and activity are freely available online to the community to test, validate and extend (Applet:, and Activity:
  • Author(s):
    Picciotto, H., &amp; Ploger, D.
    This article describes a class taught in the summer of 1988, an introduction to probability and statistics for a heterogeneous group of 12 academically talented secondary students. The main focus was on the concepts of sampling and binomial distributions. The approach was based on simulation, including extensive use of the Boxer computer language. We present the work of a group of 3 students who had minimal prior exposure to computer programming. During the course, these students used, modified, and created computer tools to produce a sophisticated simulation. This project demonstrates the value of integrating programming with teaching subject matter.
  • Author(s):
    Rubin, A., Bruce, B., &amp; Tenney, Y.
    Vere-Jones, D., Carlyle, S., &amp; Dawkins, B. P.
    This paper explores some of the underlying conceptions and heuristics students bring to the study of statistics, and makes some initial hypotheses as to how these approaches might complicate students' learning the foundations of statistical inference.


The CAUSE Research Group is supported in part by a member initiative grant from the American Statistical Association’s Section on Statistics and Data Science Education