Literature Index

Displaying 1811 - 1820 of 3326
  • Author(s):
    Boland, P. J.
    Phillips, B.
    Although secondary school students in many countries (like Ireland) get a limited and basic introduction to Statistics, it is often of a mechanical and tedious nature with little or no emphasis on data analysis and practical examples. In particular they, together with their teachers, rarely see the applicability and challenging nature of statistical thinking. Statisticians need to promote these aspects of statistics to the young, their teachers and the public at large. It is suggested that the use of examples of a local (often of a national) nature should be encouraged in an effort to emphasize the relevance of statistical thinking. With this in mind, several examples which have been successfully used in the Irish context are discussed.
  • Author(s):
    Watson, J. M., & Shaughnessy, J. M.
    This article presents two statistical tasks, one on comparing data sets, another on repeated sampling, both of which have powerful connections to proportional reasoning. Students' work and reasoning on these tasks are included, as well as suggestions for ways to use these tasks with middle school students to connect statistical thinking to proportional reasoning.
  • Author(s):
    Jolliffe, F., & Sharples, F
    It is sometimes said that learning probability at an introductory level is not difficult since many probability questions are just questions about proportion. However, students often perform badly on probability questions and one reason for this might be an inadequate familiarity with proportions. In order to investigate this we developed a self-completion test instrument of 10 questions needing an understanding of proportion. Our students took about 25 minutes to complete this test. The questions were arranged with the simpler questions at the start, and the harder questions towards the end. The most difficult question, included partly as a way of finding out which students really did understand probability, asked students to find the chance that a pile of four bricks would reach five high before a pile of three bricks if new bricks were added at random to the two piles, shown as an outline diagram. This question, a version of one discussed by Monks (1985) is best tackled with a tree diagram. All questions, except one, were open-ended.
  • Author(s):
    Jolliffe, F.
    Brunelli, L., & Cicchitelli, G.
    A study to investigate students' facility with proportions has been undertaken by the author and Fay Sharples of the University of Waikato in New Zealand over the period 1989 to 1992. The initial study was done during 1989 and 1990 and 64 students at the University of Waikato and 57 at Brunel University in the UK took part. Some results of this study have been reported elsewhere. We made some changes to our questionnaire after studying the results of the initial study. In the Spring of 1992, 127 students in New Zealand and 29 students in the UK, all of whom were taking statistics as a service course, completed the revised version of the questionnaire. As with the previous study, the results in this follow-up were interesting and not always what we expected. This paper discusses the results on three questions.
  • Author(s):
    Pesci, A.
    Described here is the project for the teaching of elements of Probability and Statistics at the ages of 11-14. It is the result of the work of the Didactic Research Group of Pavia (1); formed of 5 university researchers and about 20 in-service teachers.
  • Author(s):
    Sorto, M. A.
    Senk, S.
    The purpose of the study was to identify the important aspects of statistical knowledge needed for teaching at the middle school level and to assess prospective teachers' conceptions and misconceptions of statistics related to teaching data analysis. An analytic study of the current literature, including state and national standards, was conducted to identify the important aspects of statistical knowledge for teaching. A written assessment instrument was developed and administered to a sample of 42 prospective middle school teachers. The purpose of the instrument was to gather data in order to describe teachers' conceptions for teaching data analysis and statistics. A subset of the sample (n = 7) was interviewed to provide deeper insight into their conceptions and to assure reliability of the instrument.<br><br>Results show that state and national standards differ greatly on their expectations of what students and teachers should know about data analysis and statistics. The variation is also large for the emphasis or importance given to the content. The average emphasis of all the documents reviewed is given to the selection and proper use of graphical representations of data, and measures of center and spread. Important aspects of knowledge applied to teaching are proper selection and use of teaching strategies and inferring students' understanding from their work and discourse.<br><br>Prospective teachers that participated in this study performed better at the level of pure statistical knowledge than at the level of application of this knowledge to teaching. In particular, they showed abilities on reading, interpreting, and constructing graphical representations, and computing measures of center and spread. Difficulties were shown in judging students' comments and identifying students' mistakes.
  • Author(s):
    Paparistodemou, E., Potari, D., &amp; Pitta, D.
    Rossman, A., &amp; Chance, B.
    The present research focuses on prospective teachers' planning, teaching and reflection on young children's (4 to 6 year-old) stochastic activities. The research also concentrates on the way in which prospective teachers view the activity in terms of the mathematical challenge it offers and the development of children's stochastic ideas (Potari &amp; Jaworski, 2002). The methodology of this research is based on the qualitative approach. The researchers analysed twenty-three prospective teachers' lesson plans and actual teaching, interviewed them after their lessons and finally analysed their self-assessment reports. An initial analysis of the data shows that prospective teachers appreciated the importance of using tools in their classrooms for teachings stochastics. However, from our classroom observations we identified that the activity was often mathematically trivialized and the children's involvement was limited. The discussion and self-assessment that took place after the lessons indicated the different degree of prospective teachers' awareness of pedagogical and mathematical issues.
  • Author(s):
    Short, T. H., &amp; Pigeon, J. G.
    Although there is consensus among statistics educators that student data collection projects are of substantial value, we feel that the planning and piloting phases of data collection are often neglected. We ask our students to write protocols or detailed plans for how the data will be collected, and to plan and conduct pilot studies before embarking on full scale data collections. We present examples and results from situations including college freshman introductory statistics courses, graduate statistics courses, and teacher training workshops.
  • Author(s):
    Vardeman, S. B.
    Phillips, B.
    Even the best engineering undergraduates often have little enthusiasm for our statistics courses. Some of their disinterest is really traceable not just to a skepticism about whether using our apparently boring methods will help them be better engineers, but to an even more fundamental ignorance of what engineers do and what kinds of environments they work in. Where a statistician has the luxury of giving a second course in engineering statistics (like a statistical quality control (SQC) course), some part of that course can be aimed at providing not just statistical methodology, but also a proper context for that methodology. This paper discusses ideas in this direction, some of which I have used in an SQC course for industrial engineering students and are documented at,a course Web page, and others of which I am still thinking about how to utilize.
  • Author(s):
    Singer, J. D., &amp; Willett, J. B.
    The following discusses the need to include real data sets in today's statistical education.


The CAUSE Research Group is supported in part by a member initiative grant from the American Statistical Association’s Section on Statistics and Data Science Education
