Final project report: A program to improve quantitative literacy in the schools

The American Statistical Association
The American Statistical Association

This is the final report of "A Program to Improve Quantitative Literacy in the Schools," a three-year project of the American Statistical Association (ASA) with assistance from NCTM completed the final year of development on September 30, 1987. This Final Project Report is submitted in compliance with regulations issued by the National Science Foundation. The purpose of this Final Project Report is to provide educators and other interested readers with a technical summary of the activities and to document the performance of the Quantitative Literacy (QL) Project. The report includes an Introduction, an Executive Summary, four main Sections, and an Appendix. The first section lists publications that address the activities of the project and provides impressions and points of view from numerous writers. The next section presents a list of individuals who assisted with the project. This list includes co-investigators, evaluators, programmers, and others associated with Quantitative Literacy. The third and most extensive section provides a technical description of the project and the project results. The final section contains materials produced by the project, some that were specifically required in the award document and others that were developed because they were considered to be useful to the project. The section is composed of reports, summaries, statements, forms, guidelines, and diagrams and charts regarding the activities of the project.

The CAUSE Research Group is supported in part by a member initiative grant from the American Statistical Association’s Section on Statistics and Data Science Education