Literature Index

Displaying 591 - 600 of 3326
  • Author(s):
    Francesca Chiesi and Caterina Primi
    The aim of this study was to investigate students' achievement in introductory statistics courses taking into account the relationships between cognitive and non-cognitive factors. It was hypothesised that achievement was related to background in mathematics (a cognitive variable), as well as to attitudes toward statistics and anxiety (non-cognitive variables). Students were presented with measures assessing their attitudes, mathematical competence, and anxiety toward courses and examinations at the beginning and at the end of their statistics course. Achievement was assessed by tasks assigned during the course, as well as by students' final grades and the number of exam failures. The results reveal the relationships between cognitive and non-cognitive factors, their changes during the course, and how both interact in predicting achievement.
  • Author(s):
    Lecoutre, M. P.
    The National Organizing Committee of the ICOTS 4
    As part of a study on the natural interpretations of probability, experiments about elementary "purely random" situations (with dice of poker chips) were carried out using students of various backgrounds in the theory of probability. A prior study on cognitive models which analyzed the individual data of more than 600 subjects had shown that the most frequent model used is based on the following incorrect argument: the results to compare are equiprobable because it's a matter of chance; thus, random events are thought to be equiprobable "by nature". In the present paper, the following two hypotheses are tested: 1) Despite their incorrect model, subjects are able to find the correct response. 2) They are more likely to do so when the "chance" aspect of the situation has been masked. An experiment testing 87 students showed, as expected, that there is a way to induce the utilization of an appropriate cognitive model. However, the transfer of this model to a classical random situation is not as frequent as one might expect.
  • Author(s):
    Scholz, R. W.
    Leinfellner, W., & Eberlein G.
    Stochastic thinking denotes a person's cognitive activity when coping with stochastic problems, and/or the process of conceptualization, of understanding, and of information processing in situations of problem coping, when the chance or probability concept is referred to, or stochastic models are applied. In accordance with our view on stochastic thinking in decision making under uncertainty, three different aspects may be emphasized in psychological research: (1) the behavioral analysis, which may focus on analyzing or improving the product of the decision process. (2) The procedural analysis, which may, for instance, attempt to identify cognitive strategies of heuristics when tracing the process of thinking; and (3) the semantic or conceptual side, for instance, when analyzing the individuals's knowledge about probability or his/her use of probability to conceptualize uncertainty. Chapters: 1. Toward an understanding of individual decision making under uncertainty 2. The "Base-Rate Fallacy" - heuristics and/or the modeling of judgmental biases by information weights 3. A conceptualization of the multitude of strategies on base-rate problems 4. Modes of thought and problem framing in the stochastic thinking of students and experts (sophisticated decision makers) 5. Stochastic thinking, models of thought, and a framework for the process and structure of human information processing
  • Author(s):
    Lovett, M. C
    Cognitive task analysis involves identifying the components of a task that are required for adequate performance. It is thus an important step in ITS design because it circumscribes the curriculum to be taught and provides a decomposition of that curriculum into the knowledge and subskills students must learn. This paper describes several different kinds of cognitive task analysis and organizes them according to a taxonomy of theroretical/empirical prescriptive/descriptive approaches. Examples are drawn from the analysis of a particular statistical reasoning task. The discussion centers on how different approaches to task analysis provide different prespectives on the decomposition of a complex skill and compares these approaches to more traditional methods.
  • Author(s):
    Biehler, R.
    Brunelli, L., & Cicchitelli, G.
    For introductory statistics education, several types of software are relevant and in use: custom designed educational programs for a specific educational goal, statistical systems for data analysis (in full professional version, in student version or as a specifically designed tool for students), statistical programming environments, spreadsheets and general purpose programming languages. We can perceive a double dilemma on a practical and on a theoretical level, which is the worse the lower the educational level we have in mind. On the one hand, we have professional statistical systems that are very complex and call for high cognitive entry costs, although they flexibly assist experts. On the other hand, custom designed educational software is of necessity constrained to enable students to concentrate on essential aspects of a learning situation and to make likely certain intended cognitive processes. Nevertheless, as these microworlds, as we will call them here, for short, are often not adaptable to teachers' needs they are often criticized as being too constrained. Their support for flexible data analysis is limited, and to satisfy the variety of demands one would need a collection of them. However, coping with uncoordinated interfaces, notations and ideas in one course would overtax the average teacher and student. This practical dilemma is reflected on a theoretical level. It is not yet clear enough what kind of software is required and helpful for statistics education. We need a critical evaluation and analysis of the design and use of existing educational and professional programs. The identification of key elements of software that are likely to survive the next quantum leap of technological development and that are fundamental for introductory statistics is an important research topic. Results should guide new "home grown" developments of educational programs or, facing the difficulty of such developments, should influence the adaptation and elaboration of existing statistical systems toward systems that are also more adequate for purposes or, facing the difficulty of such developments, should influence the adaptation and elaboration of existing statistical systems toward systems that are also more adequate for purposes of introducing and learning statistics. We will give some ideas and directions that are partly based on results of two projects.
  • Author(s):
    Bullard, F.
    Teachers have different things they like to do on the first day of a class. Some get to know their students' names and something about each of them. Some dive right into the subject matter and get things rolling right away. I like to an activity that sets the stage, as it were - that gives the students an overview of what they'll be studying during the year. The following activity is one that serves that purpose for an AP Statistics course. It involves a simulation, a graphical representation, experimental design, data collection, an dhypothesis testing, and it can easily be done in the space of 90 minutes, or 45 minutes if you provide data that were already collected. About a hundred 3-once Dixie cuups areneeded, about three liters of Coke and three liters of Pepsi (less for a small class), and optionally, unsalted crackers for students to 'cleanse the palate." Also you'll need lotso f standard dice: 256 for a class of 32 students working in groups of four, and more for either larger classes or for students working individually. Dice in large quantities can be purchased from school supply houses, and they are such an asset to a statistics class that the purchase of a very large classroom set is well worth the investment. It is also possible to do the activity with fewer dice - one die per student or group - and have each student or group roll a single die repeatedly instead of rolling many dice at once.
  • Author(s):
    Cary J. Roseth, Joan B. Garfield, and Dani Ben-Zvi
    This paper provides practical examples of how statistics educators may apply a cooperative framework to classroom teaching and teacher collaboration. Building on the premise that statistics instruction ought to resemble statistical practice, an inherently cooperative enterprise, our purpose is to highlight specific ways in which cooperative methods may translate to statistics education. So doing, we hope to address the concerns of those statistics educators who are reluctant to adopt more student-centered teaching strategies, as well as those educators who have tried these methods but ultimately returned to more traditional, teacher-centered instruction.
  • Author(s):
    Roseth, C. J., Garfield, J. B., & Ben-Zvi, D.
    This paper provides practical examples of how statistics educators may apply a cooperative framework to classroom teaching and teacher collaboration. Building on the premise that statistics instruction ought to resemble statistical practice, an inherently cooperative enterprise, our purpose is to highlight specific ways in which cooperative methods may translate to statistics education. So doing, we hope to address the concerns of those statistics educators who are reluctant to adopt more student-centered teaching strategies, as well as those educators who have tried these methods but ultimately returned to more traditional, teacher-centered instruction.
  • Author(s):
    Garfield, J.
    Rossman, A., & Chance, B.
    In this paper I summarize my 25 years of research on teaching and learning statistics, as I participated in the emergence of statistics education as a research discipline. This summary and reflection are presented through stories of research projects I have been involved in, all of which involved collaborations with colleagues who have made important contributions to the research and from whom I have learned many important lessons. I summarize and reflect on three interconnected areas of research: synthesizing and building on research studies across diverse disciplines, developing and using good assessment instruments to evaluate and improve student learning, and studying the role of technological tools in developing students' reasoning about specific concepts.
  • Author(s):
    Leandro de Oliveira Souza, Celi Espasandin Lopes, and Maxine Pfannkuch
    The recent introduction of statistics into the Brazilian curriculum has presented a multi-problematic situation for teacher professional development. Drawing on research in the areas of teacher development and statistical inquiry, we propose a Teacher Professional Development Cycle (TPDC) model. This paper focuses on two teachers who planned a lesson in collaboration with other teachers, implemented the lesson, and then reported on the implementation. Results indicate that the TPDC model has the potential to begin to upskill teachers with multi-dimensional development needs. TPDC provides an environment for helping teachers overcome their current beliefs and attitudes towards statistics and statistics teaching. The implications of our TPDC model for improving teachers’ practice in statistics are discussed.


The CAUSE Research Group is supported in part by a member initiative grant from the American Statistical Association’s Section on Statistics and Data Science Education
