Core Components in the Preparation of Doctoral Students in Statistics Education

Shaughnessy, J. M

In reflecting upon the possible components of a course of study for students doing doctoral work in the field called statistics education, it seemed that the preparation should contain most of the components of a model preparation program for doctoral students in mathematics education. In fact, except for the particulars of the discipline, I see very little difference in what I would recommend as the core of either doctoral program. There may be great benefit in having a major overlap in the coursework, seminar work, research practicum, and any work in the fields of education, psychology, and foreign languages in mathematics and statistics education programs. I would even advocate for a consideration of combined prgrams in Mathematics and Statistics Education at the doctoral level. In many universities in my country, from the practical point of view. Below I briefly discuss Core components of a statistics education doctoral program, and factors that are necessary for institutions to support quality doctoral work in statistics education.

The CAUSE Research Group is supported in part by a member initiative grant from the American Statistical Association’s Section on Statistics and Data Science Education