Conceptual Challenges facing A-Level Statistics Students: Teacher and Examiner Perspectives

Papers in Statistical Education Presented at ICME-9
Nicolson, J. & Mulhern, G.
Starkings, S.
ICME-9, Tokyo, Japan
see Papers on Statistical Education from ICME-9 item #2834

This study sought to investigate perceptions of students' conceptual challenges among A-Level statistics teachers and examiners. The nature and extent of participants' insights were assessed using a questionnaire administered in either written form or via a semi-structured interview. The questionnaire comprised two sections: (i) free-response questions in which participants were asked to list the three most significant conceptual challenges faced by students; and (ii) an attitude scale designed to assess agreement with specific statements regarding possible conceptual challenges. Each section addressed five topic areas: regression and correlation, estimation, sampling methods, distribution modelling, and general statistical thinking. Forty-nine participants completed the questionnaire, though not all teachers were familiar with all of the topic areas. Results revealed interesting patterns of agreement and disagreement among participants with regard to students' conceptual difficulties and concomitant factors.

The CAUSE Research Group is supported in part by a member initiative grant from the American Statistical Association’s Section on Statistics and Data Science Education