A Comparison of Three Presentation Methods of Teaching Statistics

Packard, A. L., et al.

The use of computer assisted instruction in teaching statistical concepts was studied. Students enrolled in classes in education who lacked statistical experience participated. Knowledge questions for pretest and posttest assessments were prepared from a pool of questions used in the statistics department of the College of Education at Virginia Tech. Software modules for this pilot study were created through computer software applications and implemented in a Windows 3.1 environment. Central limit theory was the concept presented, and it was presented in one of three different computer-mediated ways: (1) text, graphics, plus static interaction (TGS); (2) text, graphics, plus animated interaction (TGA); and (3) text, graphics, plus passive video (TGPV). Because the investigation was a pilot study to support further investigation, analyses were not developed in depth. Gains in knowledge were found, however. Participants were less enthusiastic about TGS than the other presentations, with TGA appealing to most. Issues for further study are discussed. (Contains 16 references.) (SLD)

The CAUSE Research Group is supported in part by a member initiative grant from the American Statistical Association’s Section on Statistics and Data Science Education
