About the meaning of the data: Ueber eine Bedeutung von Daten

ICOTS II the second international conference on teaching statistics. : 2. Internationale Konferenz ueber Statistikunterricht, 11.-16. Aug 1986
Chieppa, M.
Victoria Univ.
Victoria, British Columbia (Canada)

Generally, when empirical statistical distributions are discussed in basic text books, a stress is given to the type of the data (quantitative, qualitative, ..). Rarely the problem of the meaning of the data and of their quality is treated. Only in the text books of sampling techniques and in some books of applied statistics this problem is considered, essentially with reference to the collection of the data. We think, instead, that it is very important to explain also the meaning of the data and the fact that they are one of the possible images of the phenomena. A summarized exposition of the problem is presented, emphasizing some particular aspects. (orig.)

The CAUSE Research Group is supported in part by a member initiative grant from the American Statistical Association’s Section on Statistics and Data Science Education