Statistics Education Theses

InstitutionNumber of

USA: 26

Columbia University3
The University of Texas, Austin3
Vanderbilt University3
Illinois State University1
Johns Hopkins University1
Michigan State University1
Portland State University1
Stanford University1
Texas A&M University1
The American University1
The Ohio State University1
University of California, Santa Barbara1
University of Cincinnati1
University of Colorado1
University of Georgia1
University of Minnesota1
University of South Florida1
University of Toledo1
University of Virginia1
Washington University, St Louis1

Spain: 3

Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona1
University of Cádiz1
University of Sevilla1

Brazil: 2

University of Campinas2

The Netherlands: 1

Universiteit Utrecht1

Singapore: 1

Nanyang Technological University1

France: 1

Université de Rabat1

Finland: 1

University of Turku1

If you know of another institution that has graduated doctoral students with dissertations in statistics education, please send details to CAUSE by emailing Joan Garfield at

The CAUSE Research Group is supported in part by a member initiative grant from the American Statistical Association’s Section on Statistics and Data Science Education