An evaluation of the STATS workshop: Statistical Thinking with Active Teaching Srategies

Miller, H. A.

The statistics reform will only be successful if those teaching statistics understand and react to the changing direction of the discipline. To this end, the Mathematical Association of America, in conjunction with the National Science Foundation, administered a series of development workshops for mathematicians teaching introductory statistics courses at the post secondary level. The purpose of these STATS Workshops (Statististical Thinking with Activie Teaching Strategies) is to help mathematics faculty who have no formal teaching in statistics gain the training and knowledge needed to be successful.<br><br>The particpant observer recorded the day-to-day activities and surveyed the attainment of workshop objectives. The participant observer interviewed attendees to bring additional depth to the traditional evaluation and to enhance the clarity of experiences and opinions of the participants.

The CAUSE Research Group is supported in part by a member initiative grant from the American Statistical Association’s Section on Statistics and Data Science Education
