The Teaching and Learning of International Statistics in Transitional Country: Case of Ukraine

Papers in Statistical Education Presented at ICME-9
Motoryn, R.
Starkings, S.
ICME-9, Tokyo, Japan
see Papers on Statistical Education from ICME-9 item #2834

In 1993 the new government of the Ukraine confirmed conception of the transition of the National Ukrainian Statistics to the International Standards. Now the Ukraine has transition from planned to market economy in the areas of productive forces, structure of economy, the integration of economy to international economy and the social role of the state institutions. The three stage planned realisation of the conception are:<br><br>1) Preparatory. It is determined of organisational, methodical, fundamental, essential principals of the transition of the Ukrainian statistics to international standards.<br>2) Transitional. Then these principles are introduced (take root) to practice of statistics.<br>3) Final. It is attainment integration of all the sphere of the statistical activity.<br>Now Ukrainian statistics have come to the second level.<br><br>The important task for Ukraine is the training of specialists of the Economic Statistics required for the market economy. Therefore the content of teaching Economic Statistics has transition to the International Standards. Knowledge about international statistics is need for specialists of economics, management, statistics, international economy and other. I have elaborated the course of International Economic Statistics for the students of Universities of Economics of Ukraine. In this paper only the problems of the statistics of population, labour, industry, agriculture, trade, prices and the Systems of National Accounts are considered.

The CAUSE Research Group is supported in part by a member initiative grant from the American Statistical Association’s Section on Statistics and Data Science Education