Special September Double Contest!

Using point estimates without standard errors is just clowning around

After the balls and rings, the crowd went wild for the juggling of the least squares
September Results:
For our 100th cartoon caption contest in September we had a special double contest featuring two versions of the same cartoon both of which are shown above. Amongst the 34 submissions for the two contests, the judges found the winning caption for the cartoon on the left to be “Using point estimates without standard errors is just clowning around,” submitted by Charlie Smith, from North Carolina State University. Charlie’s caption can be used in discussing the importance of providing information about the variability associated with estimates of effects. An honorable mention for that cartoon goes to Larry Lesser from The University of Texas at El Paso for the caption "Like juggling, predicting close elections is a toss up!” which can be used to discuss polls where the results are within the margin of error.
The winning caption for the cartoon on the right goes to Nate Josephs, also from North Carolina State University., for the caption “After the balls and rings, the crowd went wild for the juggling of the least squares,” Nate’s caption can be used in a conversation about the least squares method for estimation in the regression setting. An honorable mention for this cartoon goes to an anonymous submission “Beware of showmen who present only positive results,” which can be used to teach about publication bias and p-hacking and the bias introduced by selecting only positive results to disseminate.
Thanks to everyone who submitted a caption and congratulations to our winners!