Th12: Moving Measurement in Statistics Classrooms and Statistics Education Research Forward with the VMED Repository

By Leigh Harrell-Williams, Stephanie Casey, Charlotte Bolch, Hartono Tjoe, Jonathan Bostic, Erin Krupa, Timothy Folger


This “beyond” presentation is a follow-up to the 2022 eCOTS workshop and focuses on the process and results of the work completed by the Statistics Education Synthesis group within the NSF-funded Validity Evidence for Measurement in Mathematics Education (VM²Ed) project (PIs: Krupa & Bostic; The project goal is to identify and compile mathematics and statistics education assessments/instruments through multiple rounds of literature searches, with the end product being a searchable repository of instruments. We will present a summary of the types of published validity evidence for three subsets of statistics-focused instruments (statistics teacher measures, students’ statistics knowledge measures, and students’ statistics attitudes/beliefs measures) using the 2014 AERA/APA/NCME Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing framework. One key point of this summary will be the prevalence of ‘single use’ instruments in our field and the repercussions of that on the field. Additionally, the presentation will include a brief demonstration of how to use the VMED Repository, which should be publicly available for use in June 2024. This work is valuable to the field of statistics education, as the repository allows for easier identification of existing instruments and evaluation of existing validity evidence.
