T02: A New Look at Sampling Distribution

By Andrei Perkhounkov


Over the years of teaching statistics, I have developed an approach that helps present concepts of inferential statistics in less mathematical, student-friendly ways. This approach relies on computer-generated images that illustrate concepts of inferential statistics, such as P-value and confidence level. The images are created with my OER Excel-based power tool, “Inference_Toolbox,” and they work best when discussing classroom data, such as commute time. One of the outputs of the Inference_Toolbox is a histogram of sampling distribution built by stacking up the samples, which I call "Samples on the Curve." Students can zoom in to see the samples and zoom out to see the shape of the distribution. Shading the area under the curve demonstrates the p-value. Students can form samples in class and participate in interactive assignments using Samples on the Curve posted to LMS, projected to a whiteboard, or printed as a handout. This tool has been implemented at a community college in an introductory business statistics course and a general introductory statistics course each of which average 26 students.


