The Growing Role of Data Science and Statistics in K-12 Education: Implications for Undergraduate Programs in Secondary Teacher Preparation

Hollylynne Lee, Rick Hudson, Stephanie Casey, Gemma Mojica, Emily Thrasher, Adrian Kuhlman, Rachel Abel


Recent initiatives at the national and state levels have increased the prominence of data science and statistics (DS&S) in K-12, and some states have embedded data science concepts and skills into their secondary curriculum. Moving forward, what does this mean for preparation of secondary teachers across content areas? How are teacher education programs and courses changing to prepare preservice and inservice teachers to teach DS&S? This session is designed for participants to: 1) Understand current initiatives driving change in K-12 DS&S education; 2) Learn results of a recent study of early career mathematics teachers’ knowledge, beliefs, and practices about teaching DS&S; 3) Discuss how teachers are currently prepared to teach DS&S and challenges faced in advancing DS&S in programs across institutions; and 4) Learn about curricular, technological, and community supports for DS&S teacher education that can support faculty in program and course enhancements.
