Tuesday, June 28th, 20224:00 pm – 4:30 pm ET

Presented by: Alex Reinhart (Carnegie Mellon University), Ciaran Evans (Wake Forest University), and Amanda Luby (Swarthmore College)
This month, in the CAUSE (Consortium for the Advancement of Undergraduate Statistics Education) / JSDSE (Journal of Statistics and Data Science Education) webinar, we highlight the research article, Think-Aloud Interviews: A Tool for Exploring Student Statistical Reasoning, in our Journal of Statistics and Data Science Education webinar series. In the webinar, the presenters will discuss think-aloud interviews, in which students narrate their reasoning in real time while solving problems. Think-aloud interviews are a valuable but underused tool for statistics education research. In this webinar, the presenters suggest possible use cases for think-alouds and summarize best practices for designing think-aloud interview studies. They hope that their overview of think-alouds encourages more statistics educators and researchers to begin using this method.