P3-07: That's So Unfair! Statistics Ethics Case Studies for Increasing Engagement in Statistics Education

By Dane Christian Joseph (George Fox University)


Who doesn't love an ethics debate? Studies in moral education have shown that when students engage in moral reasoning, they report increased levels of content-engagement and excitement, thus possibly stimulating the release of endorphins. However, our ubiquitously data-driven world increases the possibility that some professionals will manipulate data for their personal agendas, and that others might misuse statistics through poor reasoning and judgment. Thus, honing and engaging our students' ethical decision-making skills today is paramount for future societal benefits. But what makes a good statistics-ethics case study? And more importantly, how do we guide our students to make sound but realistic ethical decisions about statistics? This presentation seeks to address these two questions.


eCOTS 2020 Presentation_DCJ.pdf
