Calculus required

  • This module discusses the probability of an event and relative frequency. The applet shows how empirical probability converges to theoretical probability as the sample size increases. The follow-up example includes an applet that simulates drawing differently colored balls from an urn.
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  • This applet was designed to illustrate the impact on simple linear regression output caused by adding a new data point. The applet simulates data and provides a graphical display of the data points and fitted regression line as well as the updated regression line after the addition of a data point.
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  • This JAVA applet assists the user in developing skills to classify a problem as one of the various types of confidence intervals, hypethesis tests and Chi Squared tests. This is not an easy application, but the comprehensive hints provided will improve the users skills in making such classifications.
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  • This page calculates either estimates of sample size or power for differences in proportions. The program allows for unequal sample size allocation between the two groups.

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  • This applet displays various distributions and allows the user to experiment with the parameters to see the effects on the curve.

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  • Joke from "The Little Black Book of Business Statistics", by Michael C. Thomsett (1990, Amacom) p. 117. also quoted in "Statistically Speaking" compiled by Carl Gaither and Alma Cavazos-Gaither.
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  • This FLASH based applet illustrates the sampling distribution of the mean. This applet allows the user to pick a population from over 2000 pre-defined populations. The user can then choose size of the random sample to select. The applet can produce random samples in one, 10, 100, or 1000 at a time. The resulting means are illustrated on a histogram. The histogram has an outline of the normal distribution and vertical lines at 1, 2, and 3 standard deviations. The applet can be viewed at the original site or downloaded to the instructors machine.
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  • Song addresses the famous probability example of Birthday Problem by contrasting the often confused events of "some people matching" with "someone matches with ME". May be sung to the tune of "Happy Birthday to You" (Mildred J. Hill and Patty Smith Hill). Originally appeared in Winter 2002 "STATS". Recorded June 26, 2009 at the OSU Whisper Room: Larry Lesser, vocals/guitar; Justin Slauson, engineer.
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  • This poem, by North Carolina State University Emeritus Professor of Physics Jasper D. Memory (1935 - ) is designed to teach the difference between the probability of having a disease given a positive screening test and the probability of a positive test result given you have the disease. The poem was published in the October, 2007 issue of "Mathematics Magazine" volume 80 p. 273,
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  • This article describes a method to calculate the least squares line algebraically. First, the author uses a numeric example, which uses calculus, then describes a simpler algebraic method.
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