Algebra level symbolic math

  • This page has data sets used by UCLA statistics classes. The html files in the second column contain descriptions of a particular data set and a link to the data at the end of the file. There are also .dat and .dta files that contain just data, with no description.
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  • This page discusses disadvantages of large datasets with regard to Simpson's Paradox.
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  • This page contains a short article on Simpson's Paradox with an example of how standardizing changes the results. It also contains links to other articles on Simpson's Paradox, including a newspaper article illustrating that this topic is timely.
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  • This article contains practical information on teaching statistics to a political science class.
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  • This course is second in the series of undergraduate Statistical Physics courses and features comprehensive lecture notes and assignments. Course topics include probability distributions for classical and quantum systems; microcanonical, canonical, and grand canonical partition-functions and associated thermodynamic potentials; conditions of thermodynamic equilibrium for homogeneous and heterogeneous systems; non-interacting Bose and Fermi gases; mean field theories for real gases, binary mixtures, magnetic systems, polymer solutions; phase and reaction equilibria, critical phenomena; fluctuations, correlation functions and susceptibilities, and Kubo formulae; evolution of distribution functions: Boltzmann and Smoluchowski equations.
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  • This module contains discussions on t-test, ANOVA, correlation, two-way factorial ANOVA, regression, chi-squared, and distributions and provides links to a variety of activities relevant to the discussions.
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  • This module contains discussions on two and three dimensional graphs, histograms, scatterplots, boxplots, and data visualization, and provides links to a variety of relevant activities.
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  • This collection is organized as discussions and activities in the subjects of descriptive statistics, inferential statistics, graphical analysis, and TI-83 and Excel guides. It also includes a section of quizzes. Key Words: Mean; Median; Mode; Normal Distribution; Skewed Distribution; Range; Standard Deviation; Confidence Interval; T-Test; ANOVA; Correlation; Regression; Chi-Square; Probability Distributions; Histograms; Scatterplots; Boxplot.
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  • In this activity, students will calculate the mean, median, and mode of the salaries for the Angels and the Orioles baseball players. Questions about the exercise and links to Excel and TI-83 instructions. The data exists in Excel, TI-83, and text formats.
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  • In this activity, students will calculate confidence intervals for the mean weight (in milligrams) of seed harvester ants for 4 size classes of the ants. Questions about the exercise and links to Excel and TI-83 instructions are given. This data exists in Excel, TI-83, and text formats.
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